End Game

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Our world was once a safe and happy place, until evil aliens arrived with one plan; to destroy Earth. Gosei, Earth's ancient guardian, awoke and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat. They are the Power Rangers Megaforce.

Our world was once a safe and happy place, until evil aliens arrived with one plan; to destroy Earth. Gosei, Earth's ancient guardian, awoke and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat. They are the Power Rangers Megaforce.

A few days after losing to Vrak, Troy stood in the woods, his shirt removed from his torso and his Dragon Sword in his hand. With a yell, the Red Ranger began swinging his weapon, preparing himself for the next time he'd face Vrak, who was preparing as well.

"Finally," Vrak said. "The time has come. The Alien Armada arrives in just a few hours." He then pressed a button on his control panel, summoning robots from the sea. "I will start the robotic invasion now, and prove to my royal family that I deserve to rule this planet." In the woods, Troy continued training when his team found him.

"We just got word," Gia said, causing her team leader to turn and face them. "There's a new attack. A big one." Troy then picked up his shirt and slipped it over his head.

"I knew this was coming," Troy said. "This is it, then. Let's go!" Once Troy had picked up his jacket, Megaforce all ran so they could get to the scene of the attack as soon as possible, aiming to end this war once and for all.

(I have no idea of an actor for Aaron, but he says his name with his helmet between Noah and Emma, then it shows him riding his skateboard while punching Loogies. Whatever actor you can think of that matches Aaron's description, that's who plays him to you.)

As the heroic humans ran toward the robots emerging from the sea, one fired at them but missed, causing them to run from a huge explosion before stopping on the shore.

"There's so many of them," Emma said.

"Where did they all come from?" Jake asked.

"The real question is how are we gonna beat all of them?" Aaron asked.

"Metal Alice must have reached mass production level," Noah explained, "but I still can't believe how many."

"Something big is clearly going on here," Troy said to his team, "so be ready for anything."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Gia asked.

"Right," Noah agreed as all six removed their morphers and got ready to morph.

"It's morphin time!" Troy shouted.

"Go Go Megaforce!" all six said simultaneously, activating their power cards and morphed one by one.

"Megaforce Red!" Troy led.

"Megaforce Yellow!" Gia added.

"Megaforce Black!" Jake followed.

"Megaforce Pink!" Emma continued.

"Megaforce Green!" Aaron yelled.

"Megaforce Blue!" Noah concluded, finishing the morph.

Upon walking on land, the robot in the lead opened fire, only for the Rangers to stay standing with their weapons drawn once the fire died. Chittering, the loogies all charged at the Rangers, who rushed into battle as well.

Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce (Emma x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now