The Perfect Storm

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An alien Armada has arrived and invaded our planet. Wave after wave have attacked us with a ferocity never seen before. To battle this new threat, the Power Rangers must master the abilities of the Legendary Rangers to become Super Megaforce!

On Earth, a long string of dark clouds lined the air. Lighting flashed as thunder clapped, much to Vekar's pleasure.

"Excellent," the prince said. "The electrical storm conditions are perfect. Have you located the Power Bid my brother, Vrak, was working on?"

"Yes, sire," Damaras answered. "The storm should energize Vrak's power crystal and allow us to activate the Power Bid's incredible destructive force. But we must move quickly."

"Don't tell me what to do. Now move quickly."

"I have deployed Commander Sirjinkor. Soon, this planet will be ours." On Earth, Tensou wheeled around the Command Center as the storm continued to rage.

"Gosei," the little robot said, "I'm going outside to check on the communication module."

"Be careful, Tensou," Gosei warned. "I sense an electrical storm gathering. Your metallic frame could possibly attract a lightning strike."

"Okey-dokey. I'll only be out there for a minute." With that, Tensou rolled out into the storm to do his job, finding himself awkwardly walking over rocks. "Whoa! Gosei was right. Those clouds don't look friendly at all. I better hurry and get back inside." However, before Tensou could turn around to head back into the safety of the cave, a bolt of lighting cracked from the sky, striking him. "Whoa. What just happened to me." At that moment, Tensou realized something. "Wait. I don't even know who me is. Who am I? Where am I? Hello? Is anybody out there?" With that, he started walking away from the Command Center. Meanwhile, at Ernie's, the ice cream man tried getting some ice cream to fill two waffle cones for Aaron and Emma, only no ice cream came out.

"Hey, guys," Noah greeted as he walked in, folding his umbrella.

"Hey, buddy," Orion said. "What's up with the umbrella?"

"Are you kidding me? There's this freaky lightning storm going on right now."

"Oh, awesome," Emma said with fascination. "I love lightning. Well, you know, from a distance."

"Not me," Aaron said. "I'm more of a seabreeze kind of guy."

"I'm sorry, guys," Ernie said to his customers. "No fro-yo today. The machine's busted." The seven groaned in disappointment when their morphers chimed. Making sure no one saw, Troy unbuckled his and hid it in his jacket.

"What is it, Gosei?" the Red Ranger asked.

"Rangers, Tensou went outside and did not come back," Gosei said. "I need you to find him."

"Maybe he got scared away because of the storm passing through," Noah said. "You know, the thunder and lightning."

"That could very well be, Noah."

"We're on it, Gosei," Troy said. Standing up, the seven left Ernie's as their favorite ice cream man called Fro-Yo Repairs.

"What is the delay?" Vekar asked aboard his ship. "We must harness the storm's power now. This could be our best chance to crush the Rangers and I won't lose it! Activate the Power Bid and destroy them all!"

(I still have no idea for Aaron's actor, but he shows up between Troy and Gia, posing in a martial arts stance with one open hand out in front of him and the other raised above his head like a dorsal fin. At the end, when all the various Ranger helmets flash before stopping on Super Megaforce, Aaron's helmets go as follows; Mighty Morphin Gold, Alien Green, Zeo Gold, Turbo Black, Space Green, Lost Galaxy Black, Time Force Silver, Lightspeed Black, Dino Thunder Green, Mystic Force Black, Ninja Storm Black, SPD Black, and Jungle Fury Gold before settling on his Super Megaforce helmet.)

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