Last Laugh

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Our world was once a safe and happy place, until evil aliens arrived with one plan; to destroy Earth. Gosei, Earth's ancient guardian, awoke, and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat. They are the Power Rangers Megaforce.

Laughing, Jake, Noah, Aaron, Gia, Emma and Troy all walked through a festival when something caught Jake's eye.

"Look," the Black Ranger said. "Check it." The six all then walked over to a sunglasses stand.

"Yeah," Aaron said as he tried on a green pair and showed it to Emma. "What do you think?"

"Cool," the Pink Ranger said to the Green. Just then, the sound of laughter caused Gia to turn to the source.

"What's so funny?" she asked as she saw the Festival of Laughs performing on the stage. "Hey, guys, let's go check it out." Shrugging, Aaron set the sunglasses back as he and his friends went to go see the show.

"Come on," Jake said to Noah, who stayed behind.

"Street comics?" the Blue Ranger asked in disbelief. "Give me a break."

"Okay, okay," the girl on stage said, "what's brown and sticky?"

"What?" the man on stage asked.

"A stick!" The audience then laughed as the Rangers all took seats. "What did the duck say when she bought some lipstick?"


"Put it on my bill!" The audience and the Rangers, excluding Noah, all laughed hard at that joke.

"These guys are pretty funny," Gia said to her friends before noticing Noah not laughing. "You're not laughing."

"I don't think they're funny," Noah said as he munched on a snack.

"Where's your sense of humor?" Emma asked.

"He doesn't have one," Aaron said. "Instead, he has a sense of science."

"Yeah," Jake said. "Same as Robo Knight."

"Look," Emma said, "they're silly, but it's all about letting go and laughing. Just listen."

"See, that's the straight man," Jake explained, "and he feeds lines to the jokester."

"Teamwork," Emma said.

"I understand the logic of teamwork in a comedy duo," Noah said.

"Don't analyze comedy," Gia said. "Just go with it." She then turned back to the duo as another joke was fired.

"Why was six scared to get next to seven?" the jokester asked.

"Why?" the straight man asked.

"'Cause seven ate nine and ten!"

"I just don't get why you guys are laughing," Noah said as the audience laughed at the joke. "It's not funny."

"It's part of the fun," Jake said.

"Yeah," Aaron said. "It's okay to have fun." Just then, Gia vanished in an orb of light, followed by the rest of the laughing audience.

"What's goin' on?" Jake asked as he and his friends stood up.

"Come to me, my little laugh balls," a voice said, belonging to a monster that resembled some type of bird, who held a large gourd in his hand. "You think laughter makes the world go round? I'm here to end that sound."

"Who are you?" Jake asked. "I mean, what are you?"

"My name's Nojoke, and that's no joke. I want to silence laughter because it annoys me, so when people laugh, I trap them." Nojoke then shook his gourd around.

Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce (Emma x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now