Silver Lining

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An alien Armada has arrived and invaded our planet. Wave after wave have attacked us with a ferocity never seen before. To battle this new threat, the Power Rangers must master the abilities of the Legendary Rangers to become Super Megaforce!

One clear night, a streak of light shot its way through Earth's sky. Though one might have thought it was a shooting star, it was actually a damaged ship, which crashed outside the city. Though many weren't alerted by this, Gosei was.

"Tensou!" the Rangers' mentor said, awaking his sleeping assistant.

"Yes, Gosei, you called?" Tensou asked.

"I sense a disturbance."

"Oh, no."

"Something just entered our atmosphere. It's unclear if it landed or crashed."

"Really?" As the sun rose, someone exited their ship before walking towards the city.

(I still have no idea for Aaron's actor, but he shows up between Troy and Gia, posing in a martial arts stance with one open hand out in front of him and the other raised above his head like a dorsal fin. At the end, when all the various Ranger helmets flash before stopping on Super Megaforce, Aaron's helmets go as follows; Mighty Morphin Gold, Alien Green, Zeo Gold, Turbo Black, Space Green, Lost Galaxy Black, Time Force Silver, Lightspeed Black, Dino Thunder Green, Mystic Force Black, Ninja Storm Black, SPD Black, and Jungle Fury Gold before settling on his Super Megaforce helmet.)

Aboard the Armada's lead ship, Vekar was very displeased.

"These useless commanders keep failing me," he whined before getting an idea. "I know. Let's overwhelm the humans with a massive army of X-Borgs."

"As you wish," Argus agreed. "Several platoons of X-Borgs shall be sent to subdue the planet."

"But even if we send a whole army of them, what good will they be with no one to lead them?" Levira asked.

"Who needs generals when you have numbers?" the prince asked. "Stop questioning me!"

"But sir," Damaras said, trying to reason with his stubborn prince.

"Just send in X-Borgs! Who do you think you are, anyway? Always disagreeing with me! And who told you you could be taller than me?!"

"It's funny, class," Mr. Burley said to his students in school. "On my way here today, I had a thought. Considering everything we've been through, a normal moment, like driving into school, is actually quite remarkable." In his seat, Noah smiled as his teacher continued. "Not long ago, the fate of our entire world was completely uncertain. And yet, despite the monumental adversity we've faced, we've managed to return to a relatively normal routine."

"Yeah," a girl in the back said, causing everyone to turn and face her. "Thanks to the Power Rangers." The class then started agreeing as Aaron and Emma looked at each other and smiled.

"No," Troy said, speaking up and ending the chattering. "The Power Rangers played their part. But when it came to rebuilding the school, who did that? Everyone here."

"Yeah," Gia agreed.

"When it came to rebuilding the rest of the city," Troy continued, "who did that? Ordinary people just like you guys. Even if there were no Power Rangers, we would have made a stand right down to the last man."

"Or woman," Aaron added, getting a slight chuckle from everyone. Jake then whooped at Troy's speech before leading the applause. Even Mr. Burley clapped for his student, who smiled. Meanwhile, over at the warehouse district, X-Borgs landed and opened fire at the workers, causing the ones that weren't being thrown around like rag dolls to run in terror. At school, the bell just rang and as the Rangers were about to leave, their morphers chimed.

Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce (Emma x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now