Spirit of the Tiger

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An alien Armada has arrived and invaded our planet. Wave after wave have attacked us with a ferocity never seen before. To battle this new threat, the Power Rangers must master the abilities of the Legendary Rangers to become Super Megaforce!

"It's coming over," Emma said as she and Aaron stood next to the giraffe at the zoo. "I'm gonna get a picture."

"You know," Aaron said, "despite having a long neck and legs, they're really graceful."

"Agreed," Gia said as she, Troy, Jake and Noah joined them.

"Come on, big guy," Troy said to the tall animal. "Come closer." Hearing a cheer, Gia turned her head and saw some kids heading toward another exhibit.

"What's happening over there?" the blonde asked. "Come on." Walking toward the exhibit, the six found it to be the tiger pit, the striped cat walking up to an employee raking up the leaves inside.

"Is that guy insane?" Jake asked. "One step closer and he's kitty kibble." Emma smiled as she snapped a picture.

"Wow," Gia said.

"What is he doing in there?" Emma asked.

"That is incredible."

"This guy's crazy," Jake said as they continued to watch the stranger rake inside.

"I mean, look," Noah pointed out. "It's like he's one with the tiger."

"I guess he's been working there a long time and the tiger's got used to him," Troy suggested.

"Maybe," Aaron said as the man finished raking, the tiger growling as the two walked opposite paths.

"Come on," Emma said. "Let's go see more animals." Later, the gang went to go see flamingos (Aaron pointed them out to Emma, saying pink was her favorite), elephants, monkeys (Jake joked one was Troy's brother), zebras, and a rhino with Emma taking pictures of them all.

"Hey, do you guys know what a rhino's horn is made of?" Noah asked as the group walked past the lions.

"Bone," Jake suggested.

"Wood?" Aaron asked.

"Nope," Noah answered. "It's made of hair. Tiny little hairs clumped together that grow all the time."

"Oh, wow," Emma said as the Rangers continued to the macaws and hippos.

"Hey," Noah said as the six sat down at a table for a break, "did you know that tigers are the only cat that love water?"

"Yes," Gia answered. "They can swim up to six miles."

"Tigers are also the biggest species in the cat family," Noah continued. Raising her camera, Emma found the guy cleaning the tiger cage earlier, putting on a black jacket with some sort of claw logo.

"Even bigger than a lion," Noah continued.

"Okay," Aaron said, "I know I'm not the smartest, but I knew that tigers were bigger than lions." Looking at the man in the distance, Emma snapped a pic of his jacket, catching the attention of Jake and Aaron.

"Did you know that a great white shark can smell blood a mile away?" the Blue Ranger asked, continuing his trivia.

"Did you know that cheetahs can run up to 70 miles per hour?" Gia asked the nerd.

"Yeah, but only for, like, three seconds."

"You want mine?" Gia asked Emma, holding up her juice.

"Sure," the Pink Ranger answered. "Can you hold this?" Emma and Gia then traded the juice for the camera. "Thanks." Looking at the latest picture, Gia saw the claw logo on the back of the jacket.

Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce (Emma x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now