Who's Crying Now?

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Our world was once a safe and happy place, until evil aliens arrived with one plan; to destroy Earth. Gosei, Earth's ancient guardian, awoke and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat. They are the Power Rangers Megaforce.

It was a normal day of school. That is, it was, until Roy and Barry, the school bullies, took menacing steps toward the students, glaring at people, causing them to get out of the way. However, Troy didn't notice, for he was reading a book as he walked to his next class, and accidentally bumped into Roy and Barry.

"Sorry," he said, trying to walk away, but they wouldn't let him.

"Well, if it isn't the new kid," Roy said. Troy tried walking away, only for Roy to step in his path again. "Uh-uh. Going somewhere?" Just then, Noah, Emma and Aaron walked out of a classroom.

"Hiking up there is just the best," Emma said as the three began walking toward Troy's bullies unknowingly.

"You know what we call new kids around here?" Roy asked as Aaron, Noah and Emma saw what was happening. "Fresh meat." Emma just shook her head as she and Aaron started walking toward the fight, but Noah stopped them.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa," the nerd said.

"Seriously," Emma whispered, "I mean, he could clobber him in a second."

"Yeah, but you know Troy," Noah whispered. "You both do. Cool as ice."

"I hate to say it, but Noah's right," Aaron said in a quiet tone. "Besides, we men have two codes. The first is 'Never interrupt another man's fight."

"What's the other?" Noah asked. Aaron then leaned to his friend and whispered four words.

"I saw her first." Back to Troy, the Red Ranger tried walking away, but Roy stepped in his path.

"Whoa," he said. "What's wrong? You gonna cry?" Barry then chuckled as Roy continued to stare Troy in the eyes.

"Take a good look," Troy said coolly. "You see any tears?" They continued to glare at each other, which caused Barry to stop laughing. Noah then smiled at his friends as Emma, Aaron and himself continued to watch the intense staring contest.

"Come on," Roy said to Barry, shaking away from it. "This chump's boring me." He then snapped his fingers and walked away with Barry following like an obedient dog. Emma glared at the boys as they walked past her and the other boys before walking to Troy.

"Can you believe those bullies?" she asked, acting like some protective mom. "Someone should teach them a lesson."

"I can do it," Aaron said, cracking his knuckles as he glared in the direction the bullies tramped off as Troy and the other Rangers walked to Red's locker.

"How do you do it, Troy?" Noah asked. "How do you stay so calm?" Troy just smiled as he put his backpack into the large cubby.

"They didn't bother me," Troy said, closing the door. Just then, a young voice filled the halls, followed by idiotic laughter.

"Give it back!" the boy said as Roy and Barry played keep away with a jug containing a bug. "There's a live bug in there." Troy then closed his locker and saw the commotion. He then walked toward the bullies with the other Rangers following.

"What?" Roy asked as he held the insect's habitat. "You gonna cry? Cry baby?" He then saw the expression on the kid's face. "Wait, I think he's really upset." Barry then looked dead serious. "Here." Roy then handed the kid his bug back, but pulled it away. "Psych!" The two bullies then started laughing as Troy grabbed Roy's hand and pulled it away.

"Just because you're bigger doesn't mean you can pick on him," the Red Ranger said as he pulled the environment away. "Or even this bug. No matter how small, everything deserves respect." He then let Roy's hand go and the bully turned to leave.

Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce (Emma x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now