Going Green

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(This is the first out of two fan-made chapters. I did my best to make it as long as an original episode and keep the same arc; the Rangers face a challenge at school or in regular teenage life, they then face a monster and lose, they return to their lives affected by their loss, and face the monster again, beating him.)

Our world was once a safe and happy place, until evil aliens arrived with one plan; to destroy Earth. Gosei, Earth's ancient guardian, awoke and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat. They are the Power Rangers Megaforce.

Aaron, Noah, and Jake walked out of class with smiles when they saw something hanging from the ceiling that made the three stop dead in their tracks. A blue and green banner that read five large words and a few smaller ones.

"Harwood County High Masquerade Prom!

Saturday, April 13"

"Dudes," Jake said with a grin on his face. "Prom's this Saturday! And if it's Monday today, that means I have five days to ask Gia." He then glanced dreamily at the Yellow Ranger, who was busy getting her stuff from her locker. However, since Jake was dreamily watching, she was gathering her stuff in slow motion. He then sighed giddily as he smiled.

"Jake?" Noah asked, his voice sounding like he was underwater to the daydreaming Black Ranger. "Jake? JAKE!" Jake then snapped out of his fantasy.

"Sorry," he said. "What about you guys? Who are you all going to ask?"

"I was thinking about asking Tulip," Noah said, looking at a very beautiful black haired girl who was walking down the hall. "What about you, Aaron? Are you thinking of asking Emma?" Immediately, Aaron's cheeks and ears turned a deep pink.

"Maybe," he said. "But even if I did, I don't think I have a shot with her."

"Why would you say that?" Jake asked.

"Because pretty much every guy in school has their eye on her and unless the two of us are together with the rest of the team, she doesn't even know I'm alive."

"If I may offer a word of advice," Noah said.

"I wish you wouldn't."

"That word would be 'confidence'." Aaron turned to see Noah, who had a look of determination on his face. "You're the Green Ranger, with the Courage of a Dolphin! And you single handedly fought Creepox in a one-on-one duel before Troy defeated him. You can do anything. Now go get that girl." Just then, Aaron felt a smile appearing on his face.

"He's right," Jake said. "You got this." Aaron's smile then got wider.

"You're right," he said. "I got this. I can do this." Gripping his backpack with determination, Aaron set out to find Emma. Meanwhile, aboard the Insectoid Mothership, Admiral Malcor growled with rage.

"Creepox has been defeated!" he yelled at Vrak. "He was one of our greatest warriors! How do you suggest we defeat those pesky Power Rangers now?!?"

"I have the perfect solution," Vrak answered calmly. "While you were busy shouting in anger over the loss of Creepox, I have summoned his teacher out of retirement to battle those Rangers and finish them off."

"You summoned Lobo, the lone Wolf Spider?" Malcor asked, getting impressed. No one had ever summoned Lobo out of retirement before.

"Yes," a voice like ink answered, "he did." Emerging from the shadows was an aging warrior that looked to be a combination of a wolf and a spider, a red scar running down his right eye, which glowed with a yellow light. In his hand was a peculiar weapon, a spear with small axe blades protruding from beneath the point.

Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce (Emma x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now