Vrak is Back

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An alien Armada has arrived and invaded our planet. Wave after wave have attacked us with a ferocity never seen before. To battle this new threat, the Power Rangers must master the abilities of the Legendary Rangers to become Super Megaforce!

At sunset one night, a figure walked over to the resting place of the Armada Megazord. This stranger then noticed a feather on the ground amidst the scrapped metal. Bending down, he picked it up and inspected it, knowing right away Prince Vekar had fallen. However, instead of mourning the prince, the newcomer just scoffed.

"It's no surprise my dimwitted brother was too weak to challenge the Rangers," the figure said in a voice that was all too familiar. All too evil. "But he was a convenient distraction. Now, I am finally prepared to execute my master plan." At that moment, the dark sky seemed to fill up with a stream of golden dust. As its master laughed, the dust transformed into a strange device that planted itself into the Earth. As the sun's rays began to dim, it was revealed that the stranger was no stranger, but the missing royalty himself. Prince Vrak.

"And it begins," the final prince said to himself. "The first drill that will allow me to tear the planet apart is in place. Now, to capture my power source." Meanwhile, over at Ernie's, Orion was helping close up shop.

"I'll take care of the trash," the Silver Ranger said as he picked the black bags up.

"Okay, thanks Orion," Ernie said with a smile. "See you tomorrow."

"Yep." Orion then exited the store through a door in the side, bringing the trash with him. However, as he threw them in the bin, he heard something in that same alleyway. Curious, he walked in to investigate, finding a pair of glowing blue eyes looking at him.

"Surprise," Vrak said, startling the Silver Ranger.

(I still have no idea for Aaron's actor, but he shows up between Troy and Gia, posing in a martial arts stance with one open hand out in front of him and the other raised above his head like a dorsal fin. At the end, when all the various Ranger helmets flash before stopping on Super Megaforce, Aaron's helmets go as follows; Mighty Morphin Gold, Alien Green, Zeo Gold, Turbo Black, Space Green, Lost Galaxy Black, Time Force Silver, Lightspeed Black, Dino Thunder Green, Mystic Force Black, Ninja Storm Black, SPD Black, and Jungle Fury Gold before settling on his Super Megaforce helmet.)

In his underwater lab, Vrak had chained an unconscious Orion to a table, with the Ranger's chest glowing.

"Silver Ranger," Vrak said. "Your alien life force will soon be fully drained. I'll use it to disable the Rangers' Legendary powers and finally turn one of their own against them. The Rangers think they've won, but they're in for the biggest surprise of their very short lives." The symbol on Vrak's chest then began glowing, absorbing Orion's life force. Meanwhile, on the surface, Troy fell asleep on the bus, only to wake up when the vehicle suddenly stopped.

"Whoa," one of the riders said as everyone looked out one side's windows. Exiting the bus, Troy walked out and saw the giant drill Vrak had placed.

"This can't be good," the Red Ranger said. In another part of the city, Jake and Gia saw it as well.

"Whoa," the Yellow Ranger said.

"What's happening?" Jake asked.

"Yo, what is that?" Noah asked as he ran up to them. Sitting in Aaron's car, the Pink and Black Rangers waited in traffic.

"Come on!" Aaron said. "What's going on?"

"I'll check," Emma answered. Getting out of the car, she stood outside and her eyes widened at the sight of the drill. "Uh, honey? You might want to see this." Curious, Aaron exited the car and saw what his girlfriend saw.

Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce (Emma x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now