The Human Factor

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Our world was once a safe and happy place, until evil aliens arrived with one plan; to destroy Earth. Gosei, Earth's ancient guardian, awoke, and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat. They are the Power Rangers Megaforce.

One fine morning in the park, the boys busied themselves with playing soccer as the girls looked at the city's bay.

"I'm so happy I'm a part of this team," Emma said to her best friend. "We really have become a family."

"You've always been like a sister to me," Gia said as the girls turned around and watched the boys play.

"No, you don't!" Noah shouted.

"That ball is mine!" Aaron shouted as he rushed it. The girls just laughed as they watched.

"Yeah," Gia said. "Quite a family."

"Oh, get it," Troy said to Jake when the ball got away from him. The Black Ranger just rolled his eyes and ran after his ball, causing Gia to smile widely.

"We have such a beautiful planet," Emma said as she turned back to the sea.

"Yep," the Yellow Ranger agreed. "As planets go, we pretty much lucked out."

"We have to do everything we can to preserve it." At that moment, the musical chime of an ice cream truck filled the air as the colorful vehicle stopped in front of the park.

"Hey, I'm gonna get us some ice cream. I'll be right back." Gia then went to go get the frozen desserts as Emma turned back to the water. However, in her mind, all the buildings and ships were replaced by a clean lake with beautiful mountains surrounding it. However, she was snapped out of her trance when a white swirl on an orange cylinder was brought up to her face.

"Ice cream!" Gia said as she handed Emma the frozen treat, which the Pink Ranger happily accepted. "Here you go. One scoop of soy strawberry cheesecake with sprinkles."

"Exactly what I wanted," Emma said.

"I've only known you since forever."

"This place is beautiful now, but I was imagining how perfect it must have been thousands of years ago." Meanwhile, under the sea, Vrak stood in a domed laboratory.

"At last," the prince said, "my underwater lab is complete. From here, I can finally launch my plan to destroy the Rangers, and conquer this planet. All the efforts of the Insectoid monsters have proven ineffective. They weren't powerful enough to achieve real results. It's time for a new force to rise." Just then, smoke shot out of nowhere, revealing a metalesque body. "The era of the robot has arrived." The robot then stepped down from the pedestal and up to its new master.

"Beautiful," Vrak said as he admired his handiwork. "And you have the ability to create even more like yourself."

"I am Metal Alice," the robot introduced herself. "I am your creation, master."

"Amazing. You are the perfect machine to crush those Power Rangers to dust." Vrak then laughed triumphantly at his genius idea.

(I have no idea of an actor for Aaron, but he says his name with his helmet between Noah and Emma, then it shows him riding his skateboard while punching Loogies. Whatever actor you can think of that matches Aaron's description, that's who plays him to you.)

"So, Metal Alice," Vrak said to his new servant, "are you ready to carry out your mission?"

"Robot design data compiled," Metal Alice answered. "I'm ready, sir."

Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce (Emma x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now