Prince Takes Knight

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Our world was once a safe and happy place, until evil aliens arrived with one plan; to destroy Earth. Gosei, Earth's ancient guardian, awoke and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat. They are the Power Rangers Megaforce.

The day after Robo Knight's arrival, the Rangers all sat at a table in Ernie's Brain Freeze, discussing the power of their new ally.

"I can't believe how awesome Robo Knight was," Noah said as Jake sipped his drink and Gia helped herself to some ice cream. "All that power and speed?"

"But how come Gosei didn't tell us about him before?" Emma asked.

"He's probably embarrassed," Jake said.

"He did say Robo Knight lost some memory," Aaron said. "So he doesn't recognize Gosei's authority or that he, Gosei, was his, Robo Knight's, creator."

"And he thinks he needs to work alone," Noah added. "He's reckless."

"I think Robo Knight kicks butt," Gia said. "He'd make a great addition to our team." She then turned to the team leader, who was deep in thought. "What do you think, Troy?"

Troy just looked away, as he remembered his dream more vividly. Robo Knight was there, fighting with the Mega Rangers. He then exited the memory and decided to come clean.

"I've been having these dreams," he said to his team. "And Robo Knight is in them." Emma grinned from ear to ear.

"Cool," she said.

"Some scientists believe that dreams sometimes foretell the future," Noah said.

"Oh, come on," Jake groaned.

"Troy," Aaron said, "if the dreams are telling the future, what else happened in them?"

"There's a big battle," Troy answered, "but the dreams are fuzzy. That's why I never mentioned them before."

"Well, is Robo Knight at least fighting on our side?" Jake asked.

"I think so. I'm not sure." The Rangers all just looked at each other. Is Robo Knight their ally?

(I have no idea of an actor for Aaron, but he says his name with his helmet between Noah and Emma, then it shows him riding his skateboard while punching Loogies. Whatever actor you can think of that matches Aaron's description, that's who plays him to you.)

 "We have a problem," Malcor said aboard the mothership. "This Robo Knight is interfering with our plans. He must be destroyed."

"I think I have a better way of solving this problem," Vrak said to his admiral. "Instead of destroying him, we'll convert him to our side."

"Interesting idea. He is a powerful adversary. Turning him into an ally could be extremely helpful. Yes. Do it!" Malcor then cackled as Vrak walked away.

"Now," the prince said to himself, "how can I convince a knight to abandon his mission to protect this planet and its environment? Using persuasion is not the way to change him." He then held out his hand and his silver armor transformed into his red battle suit. "I must physically weaken this robotic guardian first. Then I can bend him to our will." He then entered a pod and zoomed toward Earth.

Once he landed in the woods, Vrak began forming a brilliant plan in his mind.

"I know the perfect monster to bring Robo Knight to his knees," he said to himself before stopping in front of a lake and raising his hand to the sky. "Psychotick, come forth!" Just then, the water in front of the prince began bubbling and a monster resembling a tick emerged.

Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce (Emma x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now