Staying on Track

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Our world was once a safe and happy place, until evil aliens arrived with one plan; to destroy Earth. Gosei, Earth's ancient guardian, awoke, and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat. They are the Power Rangers Megaforce.

One morning, everything seemed peaceful and calm, and Tensou didn't like it.

"It's too quiet, Gosei," the little robot said as he wheeled around the command center. "Where are the Rangers?"

"I gave the Rangers a well-deserved day off, Tensou," Gosei answered. "Remember, humans are not machines and occasionally need rest."

"Yes. I bet they're all sleeping in." Meanwhile, over by the sand dunes, the Rangers were not sleeping in. Instead, Jake, Gia, Emma, Aaron and Troy all rode surfboards down the sandy dunes, four of the five riding on their stomachs as Aaron did his best to stand on his and ride it like a skateboard.

"Surf's up, dudes and dudettes!" Aaron shouted as they went down the hill. At the bottom of the hill, Noah sat at a picnic table playing chess with Robo Knight, who was destroying him without even paying attention.

"What?" Noah asked in disbelief as Robo Knight made an amazing play without even looking. "Grr, you're killing me, Robo Knight." Upon landing on the bottom, the other five Rangers got to work on splashing each other with some water that was at the bottom.

"What is this activity the others are engaged in?" Robo Knight asked, keeping his visor on the fun without knowing what it was.

"Oh, they're just messing around," Noah answered. "You know, having fun." He then moved his king to the side. "Your move." Without looking still, Robo Knight moved his queen over one space, placing Noah in check.

"I don't understand," the robot said. "What is fun?"

"When you do something just for the joy of it. You know, to feel good." Noah then smirked at the play he just made by taking away the titanium Ranger's bishop. "Check that out."

"Checkmate," Robo Knight said as he moved his queen over, ending the game. Jake, who walked up to the table, laughed at Noah's defeat.

"Way to trounce brainiac, Robo Knight," Jake said as he held his hand up. "Up top."

"What is up top?"

"Okay, when humans win at something, we celebrate by slapping each other's hands." Jake then clapped his hands together to show what he meant before holding his hand up again. "Just like this. It's called a high five."

"I simply defeated my opponent through the use of superior logic."

"Yeah, rub it in," Noah said sarcastically.

"Come on, Robo Knight," the Black Ranger said. "Give it up."

"Go ahead, Robo Knight," the Blue Ranger said as the robot turned to face him. "You deserve it. You won fair and square." Robo Knight then turned back to Jake and slapped his hand with so much force, it sent the Black Ranger flying, causing him to hit a wooden pan with Aaron's pudding on it. The pudding flew sky high before landing on Jake's face, much to Noah's amusement.

"Now that's what I call fun," Noah laughed. In his underwater lab, Vrak approached Metal Alice in hopes that his robot had a way to defeat the Rangers.

"Metal Alice," the alien prince said, "it's time for us to use a new approach to conquer this planet. Rather than reinventing the wheel and creating new robots to fight the Rangers, we will take these pathetic humans down with their own primitive technology."

Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce (Emma x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now