Emperor Mavro

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An alien Armada has arrived and invaded our planet. Wave after wave have attacked us with a ferocity never seen before. To battle this new threat, the Power Rangers must master the abilities of the Legendary Rangers to become Super Megaforce!

Aboard the lead ship, Damaras stared down at Earth as Levira walked up to him.

"So, have we received any new orders yet?" the scientist asked the general.

"No," Damaras answered. "I haven't heard anything."

"What are we going to do?" At that moment, the ship began to rattle as lightning seemed to flash in deep space. "What's happening?"

"An enemy attack?" Outside, a whole fleet of Armada ships zoomed out of hyperspace, demolishing the tiny ships in their paths.

"They're destroying our ships!" Gasping, the two turned around as the wall behind Vekar's throne opened up, revealing a red carpet.

"Make way for Emperor Mavro," a voice said, causing Levira and Damaras to step forward.

"He's here?" Levira asked as four members of the Royal Guard walked down the carpet, escorting the dark and menacing figure of Emperor Mavro himself.

"Bow down before his royal highness," the voice said as Mavro continued his march.

"Your Majesty," Damaras said, Levira and himself kneeling before him.

"As you can see, Damaras," Mavro said as he walked onto the bridge, "most of your fleet has just paid the ultimate price for your dismal failure to conquer this planet. And to protect my son, Prince Vekar." As their Emperor sat down at the head of the bridge, his right and left-hand monsters, Redker and Yellzor, stood at his, well, right and left sides. Standing behind them was Mavro's personal bodyguard, a black skeleton-themed monster named Doomcaliber.

"Emperor," Damaras said, "I can explain." Mavro, however, would have none of it.

"Take Damaras into custody."


"Your incompetence can not be ignored any longer," the emperor said as Yellzor and Redker grabbed Damaras by his arms.

"What? But your Majesty."

"Silence!" Redker said, holding up a hand with a wicked claw weaponizing it. "You were supposed to protect the prince and you failed!" Using his claw, the emperor's left-hand monster slashed him twice. "Now you will suffer!"

"Inept fool," Yellzor said. "Not only did you not protect him, you watched him get destroyed."

"Wait!" Levira cried, trying to save the general. "Damaras warned the prince. He tried to stop him!"

"Quiet!" The emperor's right-hand monster then threw the scientist off of him. "You're lucky you don't get worse than this!" A symbol on his chest then lit up as he struck Levira with a power blast.

"Take him away," Mavro growled to two members of the Royal Guard.

"Sire, please!" the ex-general pleaded. "Allow me to redeem myself!" However, he was taken away. Doomcaliber then exited the bridge, unsheathing a giant bone-like sword from his back, ready to do his favorite job at punishments.

"Damaras failed me," the emperor said as a picture of Vekar was lowered. "But the Power Rangers did the deed. They destroyed my sons. Now I'll destroy them!"

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