The Grass is Always Greener... or Bluer

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An alien Armada has arrived and invaded our planet. Wave after wave have attacked us with a ferocity never seen before. To battle this new threat, the Power Rangers must master the abilities of the Legendary Rangers to become Super Megaforce!

Sitting in the computer lab, Noah was going over new blueprints he designed for a new Super Mega Blaster, which could use the power of two keys instead of one. As he worked on it, Jake entered the lab.

"Jake," the Blue Ranger said. "Look, check it out. I modified the blaster to be accessed by two keys so it will double the power."

"Yeah, cool," Jake said as he began looking around the lab. Noah then began packing his stuff. "Wait, wait, wait, wait! Don't leave."

"Well, I gotta get this to Tensou. What's up?"

"Okay, I told Emma and Aaron I was gonna go to the butterfly sanctuary with them, but I'm really regretting it. It's gonna be so boring and they're gonna be all mushy gushy now that they're boyfriend and girlfriend. I have no idea how Aaron is willing to give up his freedom to go to a butterfly sanctuary with Emma. Do you think maybe we could swap? Look, I'll take the design to Tensou and then you can go with Emma and Aaron."

"Sorry, buddy. You can't replace me on this. Either you can ask Orion or you can just ask if you can just not go."

"I did both of those. Orion said he's working at Ernie's and Emma and Aaron both agreed they'd love the company." At that moment, Emma opened the door with Aaron following with her camera gear. Jake tried to hide behind the desk only for Aaron to see him.

"There you are," he said.

"Here I am," Jake laughed.

"You boys ready to go?" Emma asked.

"Sounds good, Gorgeous," Aaron answered, kissing Emma on the cheek.

"Aw, thanks Handsome." Emma then smiled as she kissed Aaron's cheek, causing Jake to grow a look of disgust when they weren't looking. "Let's go."

"Have fun," Noah said.

"Thanks, Noah," Jake said as he left with the new couple.

"Say 'cheese'," Emma said as she snapped some pictures of Aaron and Jake struggling to hold her camera gear. "Looking good."

"Thanks, Hun," Aaron said.

"Geez, do you really need all this gear just to take a few pictures?" Jake asked.

"Isn't life beautiful?" Emma asked as she snapped some more pictures.

"Okay, I have to know," Jake said to Aaron in a quiet voice. "How do you do it?"

"Do what?" Aaron asked.

"You know, do this stuff with Emma instead of skateboarding or playing video games."

"Ah. Well, after doing some of this stuff with her, I actually find it really interesting. Also, she sometimes is willing to do stuff I like. And she even told me she's starting to find it interesting, too." At that moment, the three Rangers heard someone screaming.

"Sounds like someone's in trouble," Emma said as she turned to the boys. "Come on."

"Emma, wait," Jake said as the Pink Ranger ran ahead, seeing as how she didn't hold any of the camera gear.

"Go go Megaforce!" Emma said, morphing. Sighing, the two boys dropped the camera gear and ran to catch up to Aaron's girlfriend.

"Go go Megaforce!" Jake and Aaron said simultaneously, morphing into their original suits. The trouble that Emma heard was the ambassador and his bodyguards being attacked by X-Borgs.

Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce (Emma x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now