The Messenger

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Our world was once a safe and happy place, until evil aliens arrived with one plan; to destroy Earth. Gosei, Earth's ancient guardian, awoke and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat. They are the Power Rangers Megaforce.

The night of Malcor's defeat, Troy, Gia, Noah, Emma, Aaron and Jake all celebrated at the command center, confetti falling as the six teens clinked cups of lemonade together in a toast.

"Cheers, everybody," Gia said.

"Oh, it feels good to know it's finally over," Jake said as the other Rangers sipped their drinks.

"I never thought this victory day would come," Emma said, "but we worked together and took them all down."

"Heck to the yeah!" Aaron shouted after downing the rest of his drink. "I need a refill."

"Hey, do you guys remember Creepox?" Jake asked as he remembered their encounter with the cockroach warrior.

"The strong take from the weak," Creepox said that day, unaware it would be one of the last sentences he'd say.

"Oh, and Virox and Hisser," Emma added as the gang remembered their encounters with the monsters.

"My virus is nothing to sneeze at," the germ-spreading monster said during his day of terror.

"My toxic venom will annihilate all of you!" Hisser shouted when the mutants rose up to battle.

"Bigs and Bluefur?" Noah asked as he remembered the boss mutants from not that long ago.

"You think you're beating us," Bigs taunted the Rangers on the day they remembered, "but this smoke tells a different story."

"And who could forget the time Aaron single handedly took on Lobo back at prom?" Emma asked as Aaron smiled at the memory.

"Impressive, Green," Lobo said to Aaron as they, along with Emma, struggled to stand back up when Aaron countered the wolf spider's Toxin Fang with his Trident Wave attack. "You were able to counter my Toxin Fang at its full power. But unlike you, I don't need to rest. That is the ability of the wolf."

"Truly one of my finest hours," Aaron agreed. "If it even was an hour."

"And now Malcor and Vrak," Jake added.

"Don't forget all the other bad guys along the way," Gia said. Smiling, Noah raised his glass again once Aaron got his cup refilled.

"This is for Robo Knight," the scientist said. "Without whom we couldn't have done it."

"Woo-hoo!" Tensou shouted as the six cups clinked together. "Congratulations!"

"You want a little bit too, Tensou?" Jake asked as he offered some of his lemonade to the little robot.

"I'd rust!"

"Just kidding," the athlete laughed as he started playing with one of Tensou's wheels with his foot.

"Hey, cut it out!"

"Come on. Loosen up a bit, Tensou. It's a celebration."


"I think he would've liked motor oil," Aaron joked as Troy turned around to face the teams of past Rangers lining the walls.

"We're forgetting Metal Alice," Noah said, getting back to the villain subject. "We didn't destroy her."

"I don't think she's coming back," Emma said. "She's a robot without a boss like a soldier with no orders."

"Yeah," Jake agreed. "I mean, Vrak created her and now he's gone."

Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce (Emma x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now