Rico the Robot

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Our world was once a safe and happy place, until evil aliens arrived with one plan; to destroy Earth. Gosei, Earth's ancient guardian, awoke, and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat. They are the Power Rangers Megaforce.

"It's unthinkable that Creepox, Bigs, Bluefur and the Aurora Box have all been destroyed," Admiral Malcor said aboard the Warstar mothership. "Earth should've been ours by now!"

"True," Vrak agreed, "but we still have a little time left, right?"

"Yes, but not that much. You and I must complete this mission before the others arrive."

"But how, sir?"

"I will power up in my cocoon while you focus on eliminating those annoying Power Rangers. I want them gone by the time I emerge."

"As you wish," Vrak said as Malcor made his way to his cocooning chamber.

"Once I come out of this cocoon," the admiral said to the prince as they walked, "I will possess strength beyond description! Incredible power that will make me unbeatable. Soon, I will destroy this world myself!" Just then, dark forces seemed to enter Malcor as a thick dense fog surrounded him as well, encasing him into the cocoon of power.

(I have no idea of an actor for Aaron, but he says his name with his helmet between Noah and Emma, then it shows him riding his skateboard while punching Loogies. Whatever actor you can think of that matches Aaron's description, that's who plays him to you.)

"What a fool you are, Malcor," Vrak said to the admiral, who couldn't hear him as he was encased in the cocoon. "That cocoon will seal your fate as a failure. Now's my chance to usurp your power and prove to my royal family that I alone deserve to lead." Vrak then exited the mothership as he made his way back to Earth, to his underwater lab where Metal Alice was waiting for him.

"Welcome, master," Alice said to her prince. "I've been working on an amazing new robot prototype."

"Wonderful," Vrak said to his creation. "I need your superior robot strength to finally destroy those Rangers."

"Master, it will be my pleasure."

"Good. They've been a thorn in my side long enough. Eliminate them now!" Up on the surface, Alice began her attack with loogies.

"Go ahead and run," she said to the terrified people. "The way you humans behave is so predictable."

"There she is!" Troy shouted as he and his team, fully morphed, ran up to Metal Alice to stop her reign of terror again.

"Ah, what a surprise."

"You've returned," Robo Knight said to the evil robot.

"Of course," Alice answered. "Attack!" The loogies then charged into the fight, but the Rangers were ready for them, fighting with their own weapons drawn. Troy then charged at Alice, only clashing blades with her twice before retreating to his team. "You Rangers never learn. Come here now, Robot 1C0." Walking up behind his creator was a blue and white robot with what appeared to be a red flower on his chest and glowing blue eyes "Destroy the Rangers." However, the robot didn't do anything. He just stood there.

"Are you kidding me?" Jake asked as he saw a similarity in the robot. "Has she tried to make another Robo Knight?"

"Well, don't just stand there, robot," Alice snapped. "Attack!"

Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce (Emma x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now