Gosei Ultimate

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Our world was once a safe and happy place, until evil aliens arrived with one plan; to destroy Earth. Gosei, Earth's ancient guardian, awoke, and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat. They are the Power Rangers Megaforce.

In their underground cave, Bigs and Bluefur had suspended the Aurora Box above two antennas by a chain.

"Oh," Bigs said as violet electricity sparked into the royal weapon. "I can feel the Aurora Box's power!"

"It's amazing!" Bluefur said as he poked the weapon with his club. "Now that we've fused it with toxic slime, we can't lose!"

"Toxic sludge and goo just like the gunk that created us. We'll unleash this toxic terror on the city and give those humans a taste of what made us mutants."

"It's ready," Bluefur said as he picked the box up. "Come on. Let's go. Let's show Vrak what the box can really do!"

"Just thinking about a world covered in slime sends me spinning!"

"You go, Bigs!"

"We're gonna use this royal weapon and make ourselves kings. When we're done, everyone will bow to us."

"Right! Now let's go pollute the city!" The two mutants then laughed evilly as they went to carry out their dastardly plan.

(I have no idea of an actor for Aaron, but he says his name with his helmet between Noah and Emma, then it shows him riding his skateboard while punching Loogies. Whatever actor you can think of that matches Aaron's description, that's who plays him to you.)

In the command center, Tensou busied himself with building something new for Gosei.

"Tensou," Earth's guardian said to his assistant, "are you almost done?" Sparks flew from just outside the main room as Tensou busied himself.

"Not quite," the little robot answered. "This is quite tougher than I thought." Just then, tiny parts flew into the main room.

"Careful, Tensou!"

"Whoops! Sorry. But you're making me a little bit nervous."

"I understand, but the Rangers need this new Megazord power to fight the Aurora Box."

"Right. I won't mess up again!" Tensou then returned to his work, only for him to throw out a giant old engine. "Sorry." Meanwhile, Bigs and Bluefur walked up to the tallest tower in the city, the Aurora Box still in hand.

"Time to end this world," Bluefur laughed.

"Pollution's destroying their world already," Bigs said as his brute companion set the box down. "We're just gonna give it a push." Bigs then jumped onto the box, balancing on it as he felt the sudden surge of strength flowing into him. "The power!"

"Release it!" Bluefur said. Just then, purple sludge began to ooze its way out of Bigs' bouncy skin.

"All right, Bluefur. Let's really have some fun. Spin me!"

"Sure. Let's spread that super stinky slime all over the place!" Bluefur then grabbed his buddy's shoulders and spun him around like a top.

"Faster, buddy, faster!" Bigs said.

"Come on, Bigs," Bluefur said. "Really let them have it!" The sasquatch continued to spin his octo-like bud faster.

"This slime is the beginning of the end!" Bigs said as the sludge flew from his body and began splattering everywhere, causing the city to stink. Robo Knight walked up to an abandoned part of the city, for he could not smell.

Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce (Emma x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now