Ultra Power

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Our world was once a safe and happy place, until evil aliens arrived with one plan; to destroy Earth. Gosei, Earth's ancient guardian, awoke and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat. They are the Power Rangers Megaforce.

One morning, Troy, Gia, Emma, Noah, Jake and Aaron all entered Gosei's command center since their mentor called them there.

"Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy," Tensou said as he wheeled up to the teens. "I'm glad you guys are here."

"What's wrong with him?" Jake asked.

"You got me," Aaron answered.

"Oh, this is not good," Tensou continued. "Not good at all." The team all then walked up to Gosei.

"We're all here, Gosei," Troy said. "What's the matter?"

"Rangers," Gosei said, "a new threat has arisen, and you must act quickly before an uncontrollable power is released upon the world."

"What?" Noah asked. "Uncontrollable? What is this thing?"

"A weapon known simply as the Wild Sword," Gosei answered as the red screen pulled up the image of a blue blade, the handle decorated with a dragon's head. "Forged countless ages ago to protect the Earth. It became too powerful, and had to be sealed within the Earth."

"The Wild Sword?" Tensou asked. "Oh no. I thought we'd never have to hear about that again."

"But now the sword's restless energy is trying to break it free."

"What'll happen if it gets loose?" Emma asked.

"There is no telling what the sword is capable of." Tensou then started to cry out in worry. "If it falls into the wrong hands..."

"Where is it?" Gia asked.

"It was buried in the Black Mountains," Gosei answered. "You must get to it before it's too late."

"Of course," Troy said.

"Go, but be cautious. Forces of evil have always wanted to capture the sword for themselves."

"Let's go," Troy said as he led his teammates out of the cave.

"But - But," Tensou said, causing Jake to stay behind for a second.

"We'll find it, Tensou," the athlete promised. "Don't be so tense." He then jogged to catch up to his friends.

"I hope they'll be okay, Gosei," Tensou said.

"I wonder what Gosei considers too powerful," Emma wondered out loud as she and her friends walked along the beach outside the command center on their way toward the mountains.

"The Wild Sword must be something fierce for them to have to bury it," Noah agreed.

"Tensou was pretty freaked out," Gia added.

"I calmed him down," Jake replied with a smile.

"Oh, yeah," Jake's crush said sarcastically. "We'll just call you the robot whisperer from now on."

"Nice going, Jake," Troy laughed as his teammate imitated a robot trill before getting serious again, "but they called us in like it's an emergency. And how they reacted? It must be a very big deal."

"Troy's right," Aaron said. "If this sword is as powerful as Gosei and Tensou said it is, we gotta make sure the Warstar aliens never find it." Meanwhile, over in the forest, Vrak knelt onto the planet's surface as he inspected some insects crawling near.

Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce (Emma x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now