United We Stand

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Our world was once a safe and happy place, until evil aliens arrived with one plan; to destroy Earth. Gosei, Earth's ancient guardian, awoke and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat. They are the Power Rangers Megaforce.

Gia and Emma raced their bikes through the woods one sunny day. Despite not being much of a biker herself, Gia was showing some promise.

"Nice," Emma said as she zoomed ahead, taking a big jump. Gia then pulled ahead of Emma. "After you. I insist." Emma then pulled to a stop. "Stop at the fallen log up ahead!" But Gia didn't seem to notice at first, for she continued riding. But the Yellow Ranger's look of joy turned to panic for a split second after seeing a fallen tree in her path. Hitting her brakes, Gia stopped right before she hit the log as Emma pulled up to her, both laughing. Emma then reached into her bag and removed her camera as Gia took her helmet off.

"So," the blonde said, "where's this rare flower you want me to check out?" Emma just smiled as she faced her best friend.

"Follow me," the brunette said, guiding Gia into the woods. After a few turns, the Pink Ranger finally found it. "There it is." Moving a bush to the side, she revealed a beautiful white flower growing on a large and strong stalk. "This is the magnus bloomus annulus. It only flowers one day a year. One day. They're really hard to find. I can't believe we're seeing this." Gia couldn't either.

"Wow," the blonde whispered. "It's beautiful. I wonder why it blossoms for only one day."

"That's one of nature's secrets," Emma answered before snapping a few photos. "It's things like this that make our planet so special."

"Want me to take a picture of you with the flower to prove you found it?" Gia asked. Emma then turned to her best friend and answered.

"What are best friends for?" She then handed Gia the camera, who snapped a few pics.

"Next, we'll take a few pics together. But just for us. They'd ruin my tough girl image." After taking a few friend photos, Gia's morpher chimed as the symbol on Gosei's forehead flashed with an alert. "Yes, Gosei?"

"Report immediately," Megaforce's mentor said.

"We'll be right there." Emma then nodded as she and Gia turned to head back to their bikes, but the Pink Ranger stayed behind, casting one last look at the flower. She then sighed as she ran to catch up with Gia.

(I have no idea of an actor for Aaron, but he says his name with his helmet between Noah and Emma, then it shows him riding his skateboard while punching Loogies. Whatever actor you can think of that matches Aaron's description, that's who plays him to you.)

Later, the six Rangers, all morphed and ready for battle, ran into a plaza.

"We made it," Troy said.

"Now what?" Jake asked. "These are the coordinates."

"Let's check it out," Troy said, leading his team forward. No sooner, an army of loogies came out of nowhere, chittering as they faced the Rangers.

"Loogies," Emma said.

"I'm sure they're not alone," Noah said.

"Of course not," Aaron said. "Where there's loogies, there's always more trouble."

"You Rangers look smaller in person," a voice said. Turning to face the owner, the six found Vrak, wearing his red battle armor, the claws on his gauntlets looking similar to one of Aaron's comic book heroes.

Power Rangers Megaforce and Super Megaforce (Emma x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now