Woomy #1: Breeze

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"How are you feeling 8?" 

Marina had cupped the octoling's face and examined it carefully. Checking his pupils, heartbeat and physical health overall.  "I-I'm okay," 8 muttered nervously once Marina had let go of him, finishing her examination. 

"C'mon Marina, y'know he's strong. Dealing with that blob of goo was a piece of cake, right 8?" Pearl commented as Marina sat down next to her. She had glanced from Marina towards the octoling asking the question. He sat there, staring back nervously and beginning to crack a smile, 8 nodded. "Y-Yeah."

Both Marina and Pearl mentioned how they had a meeting to attend to regarding their upcoming concert, and that they would have to go for the time being. "Don't worry 8, we'll be back soon enough!" Marina exclaimed in a reassuring voice, knowing well that the octoling was nervous about being in the surface. Pearl nodded along, and they gave each other their goodbyes. "Agents 1 and 2 should be here soon to help you adjust up here yo." 

The idol duo slid the Cuttlefish Cabin door open, stepped out and super jumped away. Agent 8 sat there on a pillow on the floor silently and examined his surroundings. It was strange, seeing the sky beginning to turn a bright orange as the sun set. The breeze in the air felt nice against his skin. "This sure beats the metro..." He whispered under his breath. The area was completely silent, and empty. As 8 wondered how long it would take for the Agents 1 and 2 to arrive, he ended up deciding on stepping out for a bit, picking up his Octoshot in the process. 

His hand gently pushed the door a little more open to examine the area. All he saw were the three target balloons and a machine (the Ammo Knights Enhancifier), not noticing the inkling standing not far from the cabin's entrance. 

The inkling turned around to face 8, staring coldly into his eyes. She had orange eyes, and long, almost lime colored hair. "..3..right? H-Hey.." 8 chuckled nervously, his body as stiff as cardboard. The only thing he vaguely remembered about her was that she was strong, passed out and well....Agent 3. Nonetheless, the octoling didn't get much a response to his question. What he DID get was:

"Put your weapon down." 

Agent 8, taken a little back from hearing her voice suddenly, glanced down at his hand holding the Octoshot and back at her. With one arm up, her Hero Shot pointed directly towards 8. "Put your weapon down," She repeated again in a low voice. Her sight was directed away from him, almost as if trying to avoid eye contact with the boy. Sweating nervously, 8 gulped, and gently placed his Octoshot to the side, not steering his eyes away from 3. 

"T-There," 8 attempted to smile. "I put it down."

His heart was racing, but calmed down a bit seeing her arm go down and the weapon aim away from him. Still determined to befriend the only other person around (or at the very least make some sort of conversation to steer away from the awkward interaction), he slowly took off his ink pack (bag? container?) and set it aside. She didn't pay attention to him, which meant 3 didn't notice that he was walking up to her. 

Seeing the sudden motion of a hand going up, 3 jumped in place and faced him with an alert expression. Her eyes dared at him, with 8 only staring nervously back. Was this the same person who looked so peaceful when passed out before him? "Fierce.." He thought to himself. 

"I think we got off on the wrong foot, I'm not trying to hurt you..." 8 stood still, his hand still out to greet her. "My name is Nova."

Agent 3 continued to stare at him, almost as if examining him, then at his hand, and back. Nodding, she turned away. 

"W-Well, at least she's not being hostile against me anymore," 8 thought to himself. "..But a response would've been nice..."

The octoling stood there awkwardly for a couple of seconds, stated that he was going to sit by the cabin, and turned to walk. 3, knowing that he wasn't looking, stared at him as he walked, examining his body language. He seemed tired from the way he sort of trudged back, but on the edge as well, probably nervous from the fact that a whole new and different life. Agent 3 found it amusing however, the way he walked back. 

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to be a little nice.." 3 thought to herself. 

Slowly, one step at a time and is inconspicuous as possible, she made her way to the same spot the octoling sat down. 3 took a seat, set her Hero Shot down between them, and kept some distance between them. 8 was confused, but noticed the effort to at least show some trust. Without even realizing it, 3's action on joining him sitting down reassured the lost octoling.

The breeze continued, slowly shifting her tentacle into her face and adjusted it again with her hand.

8 fixed his as well.

The pair sat in silence, awaiting for 1 and 2's arrival. 


A.N. Welcome to the first story on this account! I've written 3 Splatoon books on a separate account that is still active, including some anime ones. I simply am writing this one to test how much my writing ability has improved. Regardless, to those who see this, I hope you enjoy!

Word Count: 900

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