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Weddings are traditional between a man and a woman. Yet what's the fun in that when you can have two grooms? This is the story of one man who grew up with his family in a small town. Evan Buckley was the troublemaker in school and the class clown. When he turned eighteen him and his sister left their small town and moved to Los Angeles. Just like everyone else he had his high and lows. When he got his first girlfriend he felt the high of being in love. Then when she left him for someone he thought was his friend he got the lows. Then he found himself in a gay bar and realized maybe kissing guys isn't to bad too. Then on he realized he was bisexual and started to date both girls and guys. His last ex was named Abby and when she broke his heart he knew he would never find love again. Maddie, Evan's sister told him he should get a fresh start and go somewhere new. That night he saw on his tv a commercial play about Mexico City, Mexico. That night he booked his flight to leave California to try a new adventure.

Eddie Diaz grew up with his parents in Mexico where he stayed even when he got out of school. After high school he jumped right into cooking school for four years. Once he got out of cooking school he had enough connections to start his own restaurant. An one night stand changed his life when the women told him she was pregnant with his child. With that he balanced cooking, being father and being there for his now widow mother. That all changed when an American showed up one day asking for a job.

Two different walks of life collided into one another as they worked together. Soon late nights turned into a connection neither of the guys have felt before. From Spanish lessons, drinking beer after hours, sharing a bed and to laughing together a romance started. They met by accident and fought in every way to stay together even when they had 1,830.6 miles between them.

Today is the day that all their friends, family and themselves been waiting for. September 23, 2018 on a beach.

~Buck's POV~

I felt nervous and pushed the nerves away as I rubbed my hands on my white pant legs. I jumped up and down in front of the mirror. I stopped when I saw the door open and my sister walked in smiling. Jee was on her hip as I gave them a hug.
"You ready?"
"Born ready."
Jee giggled and I kissed her cheek before following my sister out of the room. We walked down the hall way and went to the elevator. The hotel was walking distance to the beach where I was going to marry the man I loved.

~Eddie's POV~

I was waiting at the sidelines waiting as I saw my friends and son sitting as they waited. I glanced at my watch seeing I had less then five minutes and the man I loved was going to show up. I put my arm down and saw Chimney holding Jee's hand. They walked straight ahead to go find their seat as I saw Jee throw flower petals on the ground and the music changed. I saw Maddie first as she kissed my cheek as she passed. I smiled watching her walk away. Then looked where she just walked. There he stood with a camera man behind him. Yet my eyes were on him and his grey floral suit.


After Maddie walked away from her brother to keep up with her own family. Buck looked up and gasped seeing the man in front of him. Their the men took each others hand with smile.
"I want to kiss you."
Buck said smiling as Eddie picked up Buck's hand and kissed it.
"Well we better walk fast."
Buck laughed and nods in agreement as they both heard the music change. They held hands as they walked down the isle together. Since Evan wasn't close with his dad he didn't invite him, and Eddie didn't have his dad around he didn't have anyone. So both guys agreed on walking each other down the isle.

When they made it to the alter their hands still held as their friend Hen was their marriage officiant. As they took turns doing their vows Evan had to drop their hands to get his notebook out to read what he wrote.

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