𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈𝐬 𝐆𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐧?

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Never in 17 years of my life have I felt endangered because I always had my father by my side.

This time my father is not by my side so I have to fight this fight all by myself. Even though I never fought any battle.

I tried to escape whoever the person is but I couldn't break free. I back into the wall making the man get off me and creating a big bang.

"Who the fuck are you?" I grab the vase from the desk. He ignores my question and comes charging at me.

I bang the vase against his head breaking the glass. He falls on top of me and begins to choke me. "What's going on?" I hear Brent say.

"Help!" I say reaching for the man's eyes. Brent punches the man knocking him off of me. Brent and the man begin to tussle.

I run to my dad's room grabbing the gun my father always told me to only grab for emergencies. This is an emergency, right? A man broke in and tried to kill me.

I tin back to the room to see the man choking Brent against the wall. I point the gun up at the man. Yes, I shot a gun before.

My dad took me to the shooting range almost every month. I shoot at the man hitting. His blood shoots all over my room.

The man falls "what the fuck?" Brent says coming towards me. "What are we going to do?" he looks at me and I look at him.

"I don't know" I look at the man whose blood is oozing out of him slowly. "It was self-defense,"  Brent says.

"I know," I say I grab my phone and remember I called my dad. I redial my father's number no answer.

I pace around the room "why he isn't answering?" I kept calling until it said his voicemail was full. "I can't be here," I say putting my phone in my pocket.

"You got somewhere to go?" I nodded my thoughts and immediately ran to Summer. She is my best friend and I don't have any family members here.

My mother is in London England so there's no way I can get there in one day. "Yes," I say "let's clean up ourselves first."

I lead him to the restroom and clean my hands and face.

I bang on Summer's door "she should be woke it's only 3 in the morning" I say. Banging again she finally answers the door.

"Finally," I say walking into her house "thanks" I hear Brent say. "Why are you banging on my door at 3 o clock in the morning?"

"I murdered somebody," I say going into her living room and taking a seat. "What?" she laughs thinking I'm playing but I'm not.

"Can I get some water? My throat is really dry" Brent plops down next to me. Summer goes to the kitchen grabs two glasses and pours water into them.

I'm very nervous right now. "So what's all this about you "murdering somebody?" she places down the water and throws up air quotes.

"Oh come on you don't believe me?" she smacks her lips. "It's true she murdered somebody. We were going to her house and-"

"Wait why we're you going to her house?" Summer questions smirking looking between me and Brent. "That's not important. Finish" I turn to him.

𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (𝐁𝐖𝐖𝐌)Where stories live. Discover now