𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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Today was the longest day I ever had in school. The amount of times I had to stand up and introduce myself is crazy why can't we just do the lesson and move on?

I hate when schools do that it's really pointless.

I scroll through Instagram waiting for a plate to get in front of me. And I'm also lucky Adrian's home so I can get a ride to the party instead of Mary dropping me off.

Cause what is more embarrassing than having a parent drop you off? Yea that is not happening today or any other day  but I can get a car let's save that for another day.

"Ari phones away at dinner," Mary says I put my phone down "sorry" finally a plate down sits in front of me. I begin to put some mashed potatoes on my plate.

"So did something special happen in school?" she ask I begin to eat the food. "Nothing happened just attended my classes," Adrian said shrugging his shoulders.

Mary turns to Harper and me waiting for one of us to speak "a new girl came to my school and she said she like my hair." Harper speaks up.

She smiles "that's great honey. Ari what about you?" I lift my head "um just got invited to a party on Friday... Nothing major " I shrug my shoulders "you got invited to a party?"

Adrian says sounding shocked I nod "yea it's just a party why wouldn't I be invited?" I say he scoffs "Saint Mary's Academy's parties are top tier. Who is throwing a party?"

Is he saying I'm not top-tier or some? Cause I most definitely am.

"Skylar," I say his brows furrow "Skylar who?" he asked "Skylar Cooper" I answered shaking his head "I don't know her" I shoved the plate away.

"Well do you have to know her to give me a ride there?" I smile "wow" I turn to Mary "what?" I say. I didn't do anything wrong. "I don't remember you asking to go to this party?"

Are you serious? Baby, I am grown well I'm seventeen but still a few more months until I am eighteen do I need permission?

"I'm seventeen," I say like she doesn't know that already "yea not old enough to make decisions little girl" I roll my eyes. "You can't say no I promised her I'll go"

She breathes out "fine you can go but I want you back before 1 0 clock" I smile "and I'm not playing" she adds. "I have to text the guys plans have changed." Adrian pulls out his phone.

Robert clears out his throat Adrian puts his phone away "sorry" I finish eating the food on my plate. "Anyways Robert baby what did you do at work today?"

For the rest of dinner, they just talked about work and other stuff not important stuff. I was too busy wondering how will I'll be able to get around if I don't have a car.

A job but where?

I leave out of the bathroom going to my room putting the previous clothes I had on in the dirty clothes bin. "Hey" I turn to see Adrian "yea," I say "is there any chance you are interested in Polo?"

"Who?" I ask knowing damn well I know who he is. I fell in love with him the moment I first saw him  "my friend the one with curly black hair. Does that ring a bell?"

I nod "oh um I don't know why?" I ask "he's been single for a long time so I thought he wanted a girlfriend and I thought you would be the perfect girl for him."

I point at myself "me? Why me?" if he got a crush on me you could just say that. "Because your chill you know but would you get back on that with me? I'm trying to help him." I nod.

𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (𝐁𝐖𝐖𝐌)Where stories live. Discover now