𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐢

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"Does anyone know why Eugene killed his son?" Mrs. Evans asked. I checked my messages to see if Polo had texted back. Polo hasn't spoken to me since Saturday.

He returned home early instead of staying the whole weekend.

If I just said yes I'll drop Marian everything will be cool but no I had to be difficult. But I can't blame this all on me.

Polo and I are not in a relationship so why should I drop anybody?

"Ms. Monet?" I snap out of my thoughts looking at Mrs. Evans "class is over?" I ask looking around to see students are still sitting.

"No would you like to answer the question?" everyone turns to me."Um, what was the question again?" I ask, and everyone begins to laugh.

I need to stop thinking about polo. He is probably not even worried about me so why should I?

Mrs. Evans clears her throat making the class stop laughing. " Ari you are one of my finest students don't make me change my mind" I smile nervously.

The bell rings "take those papers home and do them for homework. They are due Friday" I put all of my stuff into my bag.

"Ms. Monet, can I speak with you for a minute?" I wait for all the students to exit the classroom to walk up to her desk. "Is everything OK?" I nod "yes everything is OK. I just couldn't concentrate that's all."

She examined my face "is this about a boy?" I quickly shake my head "oh god no. I'm only concerned about my school performance" I lie and she smiles.

"Well, that's fine, 'cause I was in that position and I don't wish that on anybody" I nod trying to get away. The last thing I need right now is my teacher's tears over a boy.

I'm trying to get over a boy and not compare stories to see who suffered the least. I'm good.

I smile "I do have to go so if you don't mind I'll head out" she nods "oh no you're good. Go ahead"

I leave the classroom "hey girl!" I look over to see Skylar "hey girl" I hug her and she hugs me back. "You didn't finish telling me the story about Polo."

I nod "you're right but I have cheer tryouts today" I frown "oh yea that is today. How are you feeling?" I stop my locker putting my things inside "I'm doing fine. I feel like I'm able to make it."

She holds up her hand "now that's my girl!" I smack her hand "do you want me to come to support you?" I shrug my shoulders. "You can if you want." she smiles "I'm going anyways" I laugh.

I close my locker and head to the gym with Skylar behind me. "Next!" Coach Rios says blowing her whistle. "Jesus. I know she is rough in the gym but I didn't know she was this serious about cheerleading."

Skylar taps my shoulders "um Ari..." I turn to Skylar to see what is wrong "this girl is giving me the death stare right across the room" she points across the room.

I look to see Summer giving Skylar the death stare. I laugh "oh that's just Summer my best friend from home" I stand up.

"Come I'll introduce her to you" she stands up and follows after me to the other side of the room. I introduce them, "This is Skylar, my classmate. And this is Summer, my best friend from home." Skylar and Summer exchange a brief nod before we sit on the bench.

"Who is this woman?" And why am I falling in love with her?" Summer points to Coach Rios and I laugh. Please, you don't want Coach Rios."

Skylar nodded, "You don't. She ran 10 laps just for sneezing freshmen year." I looked at Skylar. "Seriously?" I say and she nods. "I've been traumatized for the rest of my life."

She shakes the thought out of her head "well I don't care what y'all say. She is my wife!" Summer says. Skylar shrugs her shoulders as I do the same. We all laughed, shaking our heads at Summer's statement.

I can't help but think back to Skylar's freshman year and the horrible memories of running laps. I shudder at the thought and quickly change the subject.

"Ok the line is getting shorter I should go up there" I put my bag down to stand at the back of the line.

I patiently wait till it's my turn to dance. I felt my heart racing, and my palms sweating. I knew this was my moment to shine. I took a deep breath and stepped forward.

I know it's not my first time being on a cheer team but this is a different cheer team. What I did in Texas might seem insignificant compared to what they do here.

"Next time don't bring freshmen to my gym class!" Coach Rios shouted making the girl next to me cry out of the gym room. "Next!" I stepped up."Oh hey Ms.Monet," the coach says and I say hey back. "Are you ready now?" I nod and the music plays.

I take a deep breath, steady my feet, and begin my routine. As I do the routine, I can feel the coach's eyes on me, judging my every move. I finish and the music fades, and I bow before walking to the side.

"Now that's the energy I need! Don't come up if you're nervous" I was nervous. "Thank you Ari" she smiles at me, and I nod as I go to take my seat with Summer and Skylar. "You did a good job girl," Skylar says patting my shoulder. "Yea girl you did amazing" Summer hugs me.

We watch the rest of the girls debate whether they should have a chance or not. A group of girls walks towards us." Hey Ari!" one of the girls says smiling. I do not know her at all but I remember her from the cafe.

"Hey," I say "I don't know if you know me but I'm Bridgett. I saw you in the cafe a couple of days back. But you did so well out there. Where did you learn all that from?" she asked brushing a piece of hair out of her face.

"The old school I cheered" she nods "maybe I should visit that place" she laughs sitting down behind us and her friends follow after her. "She doesn't see us?" Summer asked Skylar and shrugged her shoulders.

Skylar shakes her head "anyways Ari we should go homecoming together?" shit I forgot about that. "Yea we should... when is it?" I ask. "On the 14th" I nods.

"OK we will be there together on the 14th" Summer groans "Imma miss going to homecoming with my girl" Summer hugs me. "Me too but you have to go home" I pout hugging her back.

The chatter in the back grows louder as more girls try out "Bridgett, you never told us where you went yesterday at Polo's victory party," one of the girls told. My brows furrowed. Polo had a victory party? I wonder who threw it.

She laughed "not that it's any of your business but we may have made it to third base if you know what I mean" what? Polo had sex after we argued. No this can't be true there are millions of Polo out there. I just can't assume it's mine.

"Wait are we talking about Apollo Reid?" another student asked. Ah, fuck "Duh who else?" I close my eyes not wanting to be here right now. I just can't get up and leave they'll suspect something.

Skylar grabs my hand "believe me now when I say he doesn't deserve you" I slowly nod. This is complete bullshit. He talks about not wanting to be in a multiple-options situation and then turning around fucks one of his options.

Not only that, but the option also is to brag about being fucked. Hence, I'll know if he's playing me, which is right now, so I'll step back.


𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (𝐁𝐖𝐖𝐌)Where stories live. Discover now