𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭?

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"So the answer is 3 right?" I ask Skylar turning around towards her "yes good job" she begins to applaud. I shake my head writing down the answer and continue to the next problem.

I know just last week I was a bad kid sneaking out and skipping school but I promise I'm not that now. I changed a lot. That explains me doing homework.

I've been straightening up the house and all that stuff I even applied for jobs. I am working on getting a car because I can't handle any more awkward moments with my mom.

I haven't heard from either of the jobs but ill keep looking.

"And you said I have to square root that?" I ask Skylar "yes Ari for the millionth time" I laugh marking my answer on the paper. "I'm getting good at this."

She nods "yea so stop asking me If you're right if you already know your right" I place my work down " ok not too much I'm just trying to make sure everything is straight."

She rolls her eyes "oh and I was looking for some jobs you can do. And I ran across this one place that isn't far from here and pays 25 an hour."

I nod "and what is this job?" I say she starts to smirk making me confused "what's so funny?" I ask she shrugs her shoulder "oh nothing the job is at the Harvest Cafe."

I grab my notebook "your not funny" she laughs getting up from the bed "come on Ari I wasn't trying to be funny. You can't even lie it's a good job."

"Yea it is a good job but you know who works there" I finish the rest of the work "and besides I'm over Polo I like Marian... 100% we even kissed" I place my books in my bookbag.

She gasps "you lying to me," she says I shake my head "nope Saturday was the day I first kissed my future husband" she smiles pointing a finger at me "you sneaky bitch."

We both laugh "how was it?" she asks "I can't put a word on it you know. I was in dreamland, to be honest" she playfully hits my shoulder.

"I don't know how you do it but I am willing to learn" we laugh "now that we are speaking of boys... who are you taking to homecoming?" she asks.

My smile fades away "when is homecoming and how come I never heard of it?" I question. "it's in October on the 10th and the whole school is talking about it. How do you not know?"

I shrug my shoulders "I didn't even know this school was having a homecoming how clueless I was." So homecoming is coming up and I have to take somebody with me.

Well, it's not necessary to take someone with me but I would not like to go alone. I groan "why did you have to ask me that?" she laughs "are you frustrated?"

I nod "of course I mean of course I'm going to take Marian Polo is not even in the question. But I don't think Marian is a homecoming type of guy you feel me?"

She shakes her head "no you don't know what type of guy he is. And that's why you ask" she's right. And maybe I should get to know Marian a little bit more.

"I'm going to ask Marian to homecoming," I say proudly she claps her hand I laugh. I stopped laughing soon as the door slammed open and there stands Harper.

𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (𝐁𝐖𝐖𝐌)Where stories live. Discover now