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Around 100km below the ground, there was a cavern so wide, you could mistake it to be above ground. There stood a building that looked like it came from a different time. From the outside, it appeared to be a giant circular pillar made of some form of shiny black metal. However, if you assumed to be just some hard metal, you would be dead wrong. This material was in fact completely immune to all magic, meaning you couldn't change it's information in any way. Even, magic could not be used inside the building. It was about 10km wide and about 50km tall. It was so huge that if you stood at its bottom, you could only see about 1/8th of it. At its bottom, were a pair of huge double doors that stood about 10m tall and equally wide.

"No matter how many times I come here, it never ceases to amaze me," said Asha, though there was nobody beside her.

Stepping through those doors, you would see first a reception desk barely a few meters away from you. Standing there was a lady of otherworldly beauty, and yet, if you would go and talk to her -

"Good morning Ms. Asha. Please complete the verification process before going any further."

- you would realize from her actions and words that she was just a robot, although an amazingly well built one.

Hearing that, Asha walked straight towards what looked like an elevator without paying attention to the receptionist.

"Ms. Asha, please verify yourself before you proceed any further, or else I will be forced to execute emergency procedures," said the receptionist in a forcing tone.

"Ceno, calm down. I don't think I need any other verification processes, do I?" Asha asked as she reached the lift and, in a slot beside it, pushed in a card.

"Welcome to the Ruling Council Headquarters, Ms. Asha Chandrashekar. As always, it is a pleasure to host you. I hope your visit here ends well," said Ceno, the receptionist, in a surprise change of tone.

"So do I," replied Asha, although under her breath.

Stepping inside the lift, Asha didn't press any buttons, instead, she just said:

"Ruling Council."

And the lift moved. It climbed up and up at an amazing rate, although the ones inside the lift might not feel it. Eventually it stopped, and opened its doors. And as Asha stepped through them, the first thing she heard was

"You're late, Asha."

Looking down at the watch on her hand, she replied

"I believe I am still on time, Jamshed. In fact, exactly on time."

All she got back in response was a slight "Hmph". Looking ahead again, what she could see was a plain round table with four chairs around it. Although, if anyone were to assume this to be a simple round table, they would be massively mistaken. The material this table was made of was the same as the one the building was of, meaning? It was immune to any magic, and extremely tough too.

Sitting on three of the four chairs were her peers. They were the 4 Heads of the RC, Head of Armed Forces Jamshed Devan, Strategic class magician Bharat Chandra Khan, Public Head Uday Devan and finally, Head of Magic Research Asha Chandrashekar. Together, they decided the fate of the entire Federation. Today, they had all gathered here to decide what they were to do with Alaukik, who was currently inside the research facility, unknowing to all this.

"Now that all of us are here, let us begin our discussion. Although we all know what it is, to reiterate, we have gathered here to discuss the fate of the young boy who calls himself Alaukik," said Uday.

"I don't think we even need to have this discussion. We obviously are going to use him in the military as a weapon against our enemies," instantly said Jamshed.

"No you cannot Jamshed. He is but a child. The fact that you can even think of him as a weapon is horrifying. Even putting that fact aside, he has no idea how to control his powers, would you risk him losing control while with your soldiers and causing mass casualties?" shot back Asha.

"To use all the resources we have to better our country, that is my job as part of the Major 4 of the RC Asha. That means I am willing to do anything for it. As for the fact that he cannot control his powers, it's simple. We will just train him until he can, and then we will use him until we cannot. That is how the world treats magicians Asha, as weapons. And you cannot change that."

"The world is changing, Jamshed. These are no longer the old times, where wars raged across the planet, and magicians were the frontlines. These are times of peace now, and magicians no longer have to join the military. Just take a look at the various families that have risen using their magic for peace, and not for war. Times are changing Jamshed, it would be best if you change with it," said Asha.

"Speak all you want Asha, but-"

But before they could turn this into a full-blown argument like they always did,

"I think we should wrap this up quickly. My proposal is that we train the child until he can control his powers, then enlist him in the military for 15 years. He may be discharged after he has served his term or if he has made a great contribution to the country. I believe that satisfies both of you, Mr.Jamshed, Ms.Asha?" interrupted Bharat, who didn't want to waste time listening to these two vent their anger on each other.


"Very well. I accept the proposal," responded Asha, once again cutting off Jamshed. As she said this, she looked towards Uday, who was sitting there quietly, trying to reduce his sense of presence.

"I.. I also agree with Mr. Bharat. It sounds like a good proposal, what do you say, Mr. Jamshed?" said Uday.

"Hmph. Very well. But the time has to be made 20 years instead of 15. Otherwise, I shall not accept it."

"Very well." "Ok." "Good, good!" came three replies.

And thus, the fate of our protagonist was decided in just 10 minutes.

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