Out of control - Finale

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In front of the New Magician Research Institute, were standing two guards. Standing in front of the main door, they were looking around the area to make sure nothing was out of order.

"You know, I don't know why they even hired us... I mean, the Institute itself is so far away from any city, and with the hundreds of warning signs along the way, I don't think anyone would try to enter here anyways," said the guard on the left, turning to look at his partner.

"Shh. No talking while on duty," replied the guard on the right, who looked extremely focused on his job and was constantly scanning around.

"Oh come on, you and I both know nobody is going to come here," but even though he said that, he started to look around again.

"Are you sure? What if someone does come?"

"Ha! Imposs- wait! Who're you?!" he shouted as he turned around and saw a face that was not his partners.

"Ehh, A rank BS magicians who specialize in shield and attack magic huh? Too wasteful for just guarding the gate eh? Rohan, Devansh? What do you think?" said the boy who suddenly appeared behind the guards. A boy who would have been a handsome boy, with beautiful heterochromatic eyes and a handsome face, if he were not drenched in blood from head to toe..

"Ho-how do you know our names? Who are you?!" asked Rohan, the guard on the left, as both he and Devansh jumped away from the boy and got into a combat ready position. Each of them instantly cast their magic, with Rohan kneeling on one knee and propping up a shield while Devansh hid behind him and created a gun using ice magic and pointed it towards the boy.

"Oh come on! You don't know me?! Even though I specifically made a note to remember your names! I'm so hurt...."

"Wait, Rohan, isn't that the research subject that went missing? What was his name... Alaukik? Isn't this the dangerous subject we were supposed to be aware of?" whispered Devansh in Rohan's ear.

"Yes! Thank you! So you do know me! That makes this so much easier! So listen, I'm gonna need you to do me a favor ok? Please? I'd like you to leave this world for well... forever? I'd be really grateful if you could do me that favor," said a madly smiling Alaukik.

Of course, before they could reply to his request, he faced his palms towards each other, and just clapped them slowly. As he slowly moved his palms closer to each other, the space beside the two guards started collapsing against each other, and crushed the two between it into paste....

'Hmmm, well, I guess this is also a good trick to use whenever I'm feeling lazy... I guess I should inform the RC that there's no point in keeping such expensive guards, they're useless... but I guess there will be no need for guards in the near future.'

"Oh right!" Alaukik said just as he was about to turn his back to the ... remains of the guards behind him,

"I never met you before today, so as for how I know your names, well.. Apart from the ID card on your chest, hmm, let's just say I know everything in this world! Sorry for lying to you!" he said, sticking out his tongue and folding his hands together.

Doing that, he then pushed open the doors to the Research Institute.

"I'm home!" he said as he slowly walked in with heavy, bloody steps.

Looking around, he sighed,

"Why is no one coming to greet me? I feel so hurt," he said with a sad expression on his face,

"What punishment should I penalize them with? Hmmm, I think I'll go with execution, of course, I'll make sure to not hurt them," he said, with that crazy smile on his face again.

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