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On a nice sunny day, in a weather where everyone in the city of Hyderabad was going out on picnics or for a drive, inside the fitness room of a particular Research Institute, there was a young man who was doing push-ups, and while from afar it looked like he was doing well, if you would look a bit closer, you could see from his expression that he was struggling very hard, and yet, he pushed on, or, you could say he was forced to push himself.

"Another 20 and then you get a 5 minute break, work hard for the country child!" said a man who looked like he was part of the military standing beside him.

'Another twenty? This guy will kill me!' thought Alaukik, as he went for another twenty push-ups.

Over these few days, Alaukik had gotten kind of used to this no-joke instructor and his extreme training methods. When he first heard that he would have to undergo physical training first before learning more about magic due to his extremely weak physique, he thought it would include things like 10km runs, 100 push-ups, and 100 sit-ups everyday. He never thought that it would be 10 km runs, 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, bench pressing 50kg, lifting 50 kg more and the list goes on and on. To him, it seemed like this instructor, whose name he didn't even know, would leave him only after turning him into a muscular hunk.

To him, the past few days had been pure torture. Waking up at 4am everyday, going for a run, coming back for some breakfast, doing a lot more exercise, having lunch, exercise, dinner and sleep. Adding to that fact was that Alaukik remained vegetarian like he was in his previous life. Of course, he could have changed to being non-vegetarian, but this was one thing he refused to budge on. This was something that could remind him of his origins, after all, everything else had changed....

After finishing his twenty push ups, while taking a break, Alaukik noticed his instructor walking up to him. Seeing him come towards him, Alaukik instantly stood straight, waiting for the instructor to speak.

"Child, today is a special day. Do you know why?"

"No sir!"

"Well, today, we start your hand-to-hand fighting training. I will personally teach you until I think you are qualified, and then, well, you will come to know that later. But now, you are coming with me to a special area. Follow me."

Saying this, the instructor started walking towards the direction of a wall in the gym and placed his palm on the wall. Immediately, the wall opened up to what seemed like a colosseum, but looking closely, it was just a huge ring. Although it's said 'just', the ring is around 1km long and 1km wide.

"Uh sir.. Why such a big arena? Wouldn't a small ring be better?"

"It would under normal circumstances, but we need something different for you. I have chosen this arena specifically because it has one special effect, that is, we can change the gravity in this area. This was made possible only by extensive research into gravity magic and its applications. So, we are going to make full use of the time spent for combat training by training both your physique and skills!"

'I'm dead.'

Even though that was the thought raging through Alaukik's mind, he still followed the instructor until he stopped in the center of the arena. Turning his face to Alaukik, the instructor said one thing

"Gravity times 4."

That little sentence was all it took to send Alaukik to his knees. Trying to resist the effect of the suddenly increased gravity, Alaukik could barely stop himself from lying on the ground completely.

"It seems the past few days training has not been wasted," said the instructor, gazing down at Alaukik, seemingly unaffected by the 4x gravity.

'I'm really going to die under this damned muscle man...'

Was the last thing that crossed Alaukik as he collapsed due to the unbearable gravity. What he didn't notice was that as his consciousness was going out, everything around him had slowed down...

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