Each with their own thoughts(2)

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In an empty park a few minutes away from Asha's home, sat a young man on a bench. With his palms placed against his forehead and a frown on his face, he appeared to be struggling with something.

'I honestly don't understand why you want to seal me away; I am a part of you after all.'

'No - you are not a part of me. We are two different people, with two different sets of values. Don't you ever think we are the same person.'

'Oh but I've seen your memories, Alaukik, and I've felt your emotions. We are far more alike than you can imagine. The only difference between us is that you allow yourself to be bound with chains called 'morality', while I live as I want. I've felt the countless times you've wanted to lash out at this world: for bringing you to this world, for torturing you so hard, for taking away the ones you've come to love time and time again, and yet, you control yourself. You limit yourself to boundaries you created on your own. For example, why don't we take the recent incident that happened at the border? Both of us know how pure rage filled our heart, and yet you decided to stop after decimating the army, all because you didn't want to kill civilians. Tell me Alaukik, why do you limit yourself, when we would have so much more fun by acting as we wished? Why?'

'Because I am a human. I am one of them. And while I might not be able to protect them, harming them out of pure spite is unforgivable. Only those who hold ill will towards me or those I protect shall be the ones to die, the others I shall not harm. That is how I was raised, and that is how I wish to live. I am but a mortal, and one day I will die. While I might not care as to what people think of me, I do not want to die with guilt bearing my heart.'

'It seems you have yet to see reality, Alaukik.'


Opening his eyes, Alaukik turned his head up and looked at the sky, before letting out a big sigh.

"The main problem right now is how do I convince Divya to seal him, while making sure she doesn't do anything else to my subconscious. I don't want to use the commands on her, but there is no other viable way to control her otherwise. /Sigh/ Is there really no way?"

As he spoke, Alaukik tried to dive into his memories, hoping to find something that would help him solve this problem. He had tried to do something similar just a few moments ago, but had been rudely interrupted by OG, leading to the small debate they had. However, even after trying for a long time, nothing came to his mind. Suddenly however, he felt a young boy enter his domain. He was wobbling his way forward, and had his arms extended in front of him, appearing to be heavily drunk. And that, was when it came to him:

"All I need to do is make her dependent on me! And then she'll listen to everything I say! Finally, I found a way! Finall - but wait, how exactly am I supposed to do that? Especially considering her ability, which makes it infinitely harder. After all, she can manipulate the subconscious mind..."

[Back in Asha's house]

Lying on the sofa, Asha had finally decided on a course of action.

'It was quite cruel of me to lash out at Alaukik like that, so as soon as he comes back, I'll apologise to him. But for now, let's go check up on that little girl, she's probably awake by now...'

Deep inside her mind, Divya was trying to think of her future actions from here on out.

"I never imagined that I would be saved, even more so by a boy. I feel so free and happy right now, I could probably die. But that boy, how did he become so strong? He appears to be around my age, right? It's not safe for me to stay around him for too long. Although I wasn't able to completely read his subconscious, it seems to me that he is rejecting a part of himself, and thus needs my help in controlling it. While he might not have used the commands immediately to force me to help him, he can use it at any time. I can erase the effect that the commands have on me, but thanks to Blanche, it's now become a part of me. It will take a lot of time to remove them completely, but, this can also be a chance - a chance for me to grow strong, strong enough to make my own choices."

However, before she could make a proper plan, she felt someone walking towards her room. It was a skill she had picked up back in Blanche: if she was found sleeping when the white haired man returned, he would usually torture her more than usual.

And so, before Asha even entered the room, Divya was sitting on the bed, acting as if she had just woken up.

Realising that she might disturbed the young girl, Asha gave an apologetic smile and said,

"Sorry for waking you up, Divya. It's nearly time to eat, so why don't you take a shower and come down? I'll prepare the food by then. Ah, the bathroom's on the right at the end of the corridor. And don't worry, I'll place some new clothes for you in front of the door. They might be a bit big, but we can buy some better one's later."

Hearing that she would be able to take a hot bath and eat normal food again, Divya's face lit up like the sky during Diwali and she quickly replied,


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