The destruction of Base Smaoi(2)

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With fires raging and missiles dropping down on Base Smaoi, panic started to spread through its soldiers, as they all rushed around, some trying to find cover, while others tried to find the enemy. Among them, Alaukik's company also ran around, trying to gather together and organise themselves. Suddenly, a loud voice came from the direction of the grounds,

"SOLDIERS OF SMAOI! Grab your guns and CAD's and come gather at the training grounds! I want all companies in formation and ready to fight! Gather in one minute!"

Hearing this, the various soldiers did as the voice said and started to gather in the grounds, grouping together in their respective companies. Among them Alaukik's company recognised the person whose voice they just heard, and rushed towards him.

"That was Usman just now! Quick! Let's go to the ground-"


"Dammit, who're the ones who dare to attack the Federation huh?" A soldier said, barely blocking falling debris using magic,

"Probably some stupid rebels again! I just don't know where they got these weapons from!" replied another soldier, as he helped up the other one and they both rushed to the ground.

In the ground, as the various soldiers gathered, two soldiers stood on the dais, facing the other soldiers and watched the others gather.

" *Sigh* Why did this have to happen when the Major was gone? Such bad timing.."

"Oh come on Usman. Isn't this the perfect chance for us to show the Major how we can survive without him? This won't be like the first time, when we nearly failed our mission. After that one, he hasn't allowed us to try any mission without him, and always accompanies us everywhere," said the man next to him, clearly more excited about this ordeal than scared.

"Vishal.. This and that are two very different situations. For one, the rebels back then did not have tanks, neither did they have this many soldiers. And even though I can't say exactly how many there are, just looking at the massive army standing in front of us is enough to realise that this isn't some poorly planned rebel attack. No, this is probably an attack by our very nice neighbour, the GAU."

"Hahaha! Then isn't it better! If we manage to win against them, then the Major would have no choice but to acknowledge us!"

" *Sigh* Sometimes, I really admire your one track mind. But enough, I have already sent an emergency message to HQ, and reinforcements should already be on their way. However, they will take quite some time to come, and so we have no choice but to hold off the army on our own... Remember Vishal, don't run off on your own this time, otherwise, even you won't be able to survive them."

"Fine, fine. You give the orders, and I'll make sure everyone follows through okay? Including me," replied Vishal, gaining some semblance of a leader.

Hearing this, Usman gave a slight smile, knowing he could trust Vishal when push came to shove. Then, looking at the 24,000* men gathered in front of him, Usman said,

'We've already lost so many..'

"Soldiers of the Federation! I'm sorry to say that the Base commander, Major Alaukik, is currently not here. However! Before leaving, he placed us temporarily in charge," Usman said, pointing to the sash around his chest, "NOW! While I know that most of you are confused as to what is happening, let me tell you that we are currently being attacked by an unknown force! While we cannot tell who this force is, we know for sure that they are our enemy. And what do we do to our enemies?!"


"GOOD! Now, the enemy is around 5,00,00 men. They even have tanks. Tell me, are you scared?"


"Good! Then, here is the game plan. We go with plan HAL! Understood?"


"Good! Then everyone except Company 121 disperse! Wait for my signal, and then we begin!"


Hearing this, most of the soldiers dispersed, each heading to their respective places and getting ready for HAL. Meanwhile, Alaukik's company stayed back, wondering why Usman stopped them from getting ready too.

"Everyone, I know you're wondering why I've stopped you. I just wanted to tell everyone something. And I know this is extremely unfair to the others, but this is something I wanted to say as a soldier from C121, and not as a temporary commander. I wanted to tell you this because I know you all, and I know you won't give up ever, and-"

"Just hurry up and finish Usman. Everybody here wants to leave already," came Vishal's voice.

"Yeah! Come on Usman, hurry up!"

"Yea, hurry up!"

"We don't have all the time in the world, Usman!"

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" shouted the company, as they itched to go and show their mettle.

" *Chuckles* Fine, fine. I just wanted to say, if I ever had a choice to choose where I wanted to go after military academy, I would never have chosen this place! All of you are nutjobs! And since I'm stuck with you crazy people, then remember, if even one of you dies, you'd better not expect peace! Cause even in the case that you go to heaven, I'll make sure you regret going!"

"HAHAHA! How horrible of you Usman, you just can't leave these poor guys alone!" said Vishal, as the rest of the company also burst into laughter.

Seeing this, Usman also smiled, and with his most solemn voice, he said,

"Company 121, DISPERSE!"

And so, just as Zhi Tsu stopped his tanks from firing, out came an army of 24,000 people from the base, with 10 tanks spread in between them. Spreading out to make sure the tanks couldn't hit many of them together, while making sure their tanks were protected, the members of Base Smaoi advanced forward.

Seeing this through some binoculars, Zhi Tsu smiled and said,

" Even after seeing so many men, they didn't give up. I admire their bravery! However, that does not mean that I will go easy on them. Hu Yie, send out our army too. Make sure that you leave no survivors."

"Yes sir," said the man behind him, as he walked away and towards the army.



*= The base originally had 25000 men, lost 1000 to the bombing.

AAAAAAAAAAAAA, I forgot that I have to write a short story for a competition! And I have to turn it in today at 11:59!!! It's already 1! Meh, I write fast. ;)

And so, here is the promised chapter as of yesterday. I thought of just adding it to the previous chapter, but it seemed like it would ruin the nice end I gave to that chapter, so I just made a new one.

And as always, thank you for reading and have a great day ahead!

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