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Waking up, the first thing that Alaukik felt was hunger. Hunger so unbearable that he was about to pass out again, but somehow, he managed to stay awake and pass out instantly. Even then, he felt that if he didn't feed himself, he might just die in this place out of hunger. Along with that unbearable hunger, was also weakness. Right now, he couldn't even move a single finger, forget moving around and trying to find something to eat... In fact, he was so tired right now that he couldn't even use his powers... even a simple one like space location felt impossible for him... and so with no other paths in front of him, he did the only thing he could think of, eat the plants near him.

How did he know there were plants around him? Well, that was because he was lying on the ground face down in the middle of a forest filled with greenery. So even while he could not see, he could feel and smell the vegetation around him.

And so, as he bit into his first meal of the day, all Alaukik could think of was what an idiot he had been... if he had been the slightest bit more conscious of where he was teleporting, he might have avoided being stuck in this situation. Although

'This doesn't taste as bad as I thought it would... how can I put it? It has a ... natural taste... although there's also the taste of soil which is just... unpalatable, but then, why does it also taste a bit...stale?'

After a while, having finished grazing the plants around him, Alaukik managed to accumulate enough energy to get his face off the ground and lean on the trunk of a huge tree beside him. Setting himself in a comfortable position, with a cool breeze blowing towards him, Alaukik started to think about his situation right now,

'Well let's see, it's been exactly two days since I've passed out here, which means that for the two days I was lying here, either nobody came here at all, or somebody did come here but didn't notice me / help me... but the latter has a very tiny chance. Meaning that this was a very desolate place, and to be honest, that was kind of obvious considering I stopped here cause I couldn't sense anyone around me. So right now, my situation is extremely grim. I don't have any way of contact with the outside world, no food and basically no resources to survive out in the wild. I don't even have enough energy to use my powers... According to what I can feel, I'm going to have to wait at least a few hours to regain enough energy to use them.'

Having done a preliminary analysis of his situation, Alaukik decided to calm down and just wait for his body to digest what he just ate, and regain enough energy to use some of his powers. Although one thing was always bothering him, which was

'How is it that I feel so weak? Although I did teleport a lot, and slept for an entire day, the psion count and physical strength should be able to support me for much, much longer...'

Just as he was thinking, the breeze that was blowing stopped, and instantly, Alaukik smelled a horrible smell around him.

*Cough, cough cough*

'Why is there such a disgusting smell here? As far as I remember, there should be no sources of pollution here... in fact, now that I smell it, it smells extremely revolting, and it seems to be coming from... me?'

Bringing his arms near his nose to test, Alaukik instantly was able to determine that he was the source of the smell, although the cost was quite big...

To figure out why he was stinking so much, Alaukik decided to use space location once to find out what his surroundings looked like. As he did, what he discovered turned him silent.

From what he could sense, all around him and even on him, were dead insects. However, that was not the most surprising part, what was even more surprising was that all of them had decayed to a point where you could barely make out their shape. Even all the vegetation around the area where he had been lying was dead, although they were in better condition than the insects... Although not knowing what happened, Alaukik's first move was to remove them from his body. But just as he was touching the first insect to pick it off his body, Alaukik felt traces of psions on it, and not just any psions, his psions. Feeling this, Alaukik's mind started working frantically, trying to find out why the dead insect has his psion traces on it. While removing them off his body, Alaukik found that every insect had traces of psions on them. Feeling this, he had an initial guess as to what might have happened. To check it, he touched the vegetation that was around him, and the traces of psions on them confirmed his guess.

'I think I finally know what happened here.'

Thinking this, Alaukik touched a healthy plant beside him, and activated his time powers, but this time, instead of himself as the target for acceleration, he chose the plant as the target, and instantly, the plant started to grow at a visible rate. But while the plant started growing, Alaukik was instantly drained of a lot of his remaining little energy. Seeing this, Alaukik confirmed his guess.

'I seemed to have unlocked more powers... but they seem to consume a lot of energy to apply, but that makes more sense. When I was unconscious, something must have happened that I don't know, which led me to unlocking my powers, and then because I couldn't control them (being unconscious), they were constantly being used on anyone who came within ½ a meter of me, which led to the scene I saw when I woke up. As for why the vegetation was looking better than the insects, I guess that's because they have a bigger lifespan than the insects, so they must have grown before they started to die and decay. However, another thing that is bothering me is myself... I am too calm about this. Normally, I should have started to freak out about this situation, and realizing I was covered with dead insects must have immediately collapsed my fragile mind, however, right now, I feel like I did before I killed the lady, completely emotionless. I think I might have found a relationship here.

That is, everytime I gain new powers, I seem to lose my emotions for a while, and whenever they come back, they seem to be extremely unstable. Thinking back on it, I shouldn't have reacted like I did when Devendra tried to calm me down. Even if I had just killed someone for the first time, and although there was a lot of blood, my hyper reaction to when I saw those bloody bandages was too much. I need to figure out what is happening to me, and the only way I can do that presently is through Ms.Asha. Being a magic researcher, she must have an in-depth understanding of how this stuff works, and why this is happening to me.

As for now, having consumed more energy to use time acceleration, I think I need to sleep for a longer time. But before that, I think I should cover myself with a space shield. Although I am not affected by their being insects on top of me, they might bite me and infect me, making my dangerous situation more precarious. And what's better is that I don't need to use a lot of psions for a simple shield against insects, which means that I won't collapse because of it.'

And so, our protagonist once again slept, but as he slept, something inside was slowly gaining consciousness...

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