Institute closed

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About 300 kilometers southwest of Chennai, there stood a Secret Research Institute established by the RC during the WW3 days, for research into ways to artificially produce magicians and artificially enhance the capabilities of natural magicians. Research continued for over a decade, but little progress was made. And even that progress was far below the expectations of the RC. The direct result of this was that the RC stopped the funding for the Institute and overtime, it was turned into a sort of dumping ground, where unneeded objects from other Institutes were sent to be stored.

Until one day, the Institute was brought into the limelight for having found a magician who could control space itself. The RC, seeing the immense potential benefits that this mage could have, immediately restarted the funding for the Institute and started to send the talents from all over the country to it, hoping to use this magician to better their country. And yet,

"To think that there would be the day when this Institute see's its end .. It's just sad thinking about it," said a man, standing tall in front of the main gate of the Institute. With long, black hair and black eyes, along with a fairly handsome face, the man standing in front looked like a charismatic official. He even had the aura that said, 'I am powerful'. Behind him, there was an entire convoy of at least 100 military soldiers, each having a gun in their hand and covered in gear from head to toe.

"Sir, it's best not to stand close to the Institute, we have no idea what has happened inside, but considering the fact that the B rank guards we assigned here are no longer here, we can assume that we are going to be dealing with a very strong foe, who might just be waiting for us to come inside and fall into a trap," said another man standing behind the first one. Looking closer, one could notice that the two men looked very similar, with the only difference being that the second one was way way buffer than the first one. With immense muscles and a tall body, he looked like he could crush a fully grown adult with his two bare hands.

"Oh come on Hriday, relax a bit. You and I both know that the Supervisor's of this place probably knew that they were about to be closed and removed the guards. After all, with the mistake they committed this time of allowing him escape, they were never going to come out unscathed. And on top of that, to have ignored all attempts of communication from the RC for these two days, it's set in stone that they shall be dissolved and their young talents absorbed into other Institutes," replied the man in front.

"Hmm, very well Uday bhaiya, I'll listen to you this time," came the muscular man's reply.

"Hriday, it's Sir while working," said the Uday with a sigh.

"Sorry sir," came a quick reply from Hriday, who had a sheepish grin on his face.

"Well, shall we enter then?" asked Uday as he started to move forward, and behind them, Hriday gave a signal to the soldiers behind them, telling them to follow behind them in formation.

Opening the gates to the Institute, Uday was ready to be greeted by the Supervisors and other members of the Institute, considering that he came here personally, but to his surprise, there was no one inside, and looking around it seemed like all the people had vanished from the Institute.

'Did they run? But the supervisor's aren't that stupid are they? They have no reason to run, in fact running would create more problems for them.. Maybe they're waiting for me to come all the way inside and greet them?'

"Hriday, have the soldiers take a look around the Institute and report back when they find the people. Let's wait here for a while," commanded Uday.

"Very well," replied Hriday and once again signaled the soldiers to search the Institute for signs of life. And immediately, the soldiers divided themselves into 10 teams that spread throughout the institute to search it thoroughly. After waiting for 15 minutes, Uday started to get impatient and started to check his watch constantly. After waiting another 10 minutes, Uday questioned Hriday

"Still no findings? How slow are these soldiers? Even a dog would have found the people faster than these snails!"

"I don't know what happened sir, till now no team has been able to find any person inside the Institute. They've searched the entirety of it and are now checking once more while returning."

"They've checked the entire institute?! Are you sure? Where can the people go? They can't just vanish out of thin air can they?! Are you trying to fool me?"

"Sir, you know that I won't try to fool you."

"Haa, I know. It's just where can these people go? You realize that this Institute has a total of 200 people working at all times? Where can they go? There is no secret passage eithe- wait, wait, secret passage, isn't there one like that? I believe there is a huge gravity arena built especially in this institute right? Hriday, quickly send me the architectural designs of the building."

"Yes sir!" Saying this, Hriday quickly went aside for a minute and used his connections to immediately find the design for the building and send it to Uday.

"Let's see, it's in .. the gym! Let's go Hriday, bring your soldiers too! They might just come useful here," said Uday and started to move forward quickly.

A few minutes later, in front of a wall in front of the gym stood Uday along with Hriday.

"Hmm, if I read it right, the entrance should be here... all I need to do it place my palm on the wall," and as he slowly raised him palm and wa going to place it on the wall,

"Wait sir! I think it's best to let one of the soldiers try first. It might be dangerous for you to go alone," came Hriday's voice.

"Hriday, I know you are worried about me, but you realize that this mechanism requires the person to have a certain level of authority to enter, and I don't think there is anyone here who can access it except me."

"I am afraid I have to disagree sir. I believe I have enough authority to enter. Allow me to enter first."

"Hriday... very well. But be careful."

"I always am sir," he replied with a confident smile and then motioned for everyone to step back. When everyone had reached the entrance of the gym, Hriday took a deep breath and slowly placed his palm on the wall. As he did, the wall slowly started to move and opened. Looking forward, Hriday felt he was ready for anything, but what he saw beyond still shocked him so much, he immediately fell to his knees and started to hurl.

"Hriday? What happened Hriday?" asked Uday, as all he could see was a Hriday who had fallen to the floor and could not see anything inside the arena.

"You, go check what happened," Uday said, pointing to a random soldier beside him. The soldier looked at the state their commander was in, and then looked at Uday, and with a scared expression on his face, he slowly walked towards Hriday. However, before he even reached Hriday, he was able to see inside the arena, and he also collapsed like Hriday, except his case was much worse, as he fainted within seconds of seeing inside the arena.

Seeing this, Uday was getting more and more scared, and so sent one soldier after another to check what was inside, but none of them were able to even reach Hriday, much less be able to tell Uday what was happening. After sending about 30 soldiers, he looked around to choose the next one, but when he saw the faces of the soldiers, he saw only fear in them, and realized that none of them would be willing to go there next. And so, he decided to go there for himself now. At the least, he knew that whatever was inside did not intend to kill anybody, or else the one's lying on the ground right now might already be dead. As he walked forward, Uday braced himself for whatever hell he was about to see, and yet, just like Hriday, it wasn't enough. As soon as he was able to see inside the arena, the horror within was too much for him, and he immediately lost consciousness and fainted on the ground.

Seeing this, the rest of the soldiers completely lost their will to find out what was inside the arena, and instead reported to their superiors and waited for their orders.

Of course, if one of them had the courage or curiosity to find out (not that their ending would be any different), they would find out that inside the arena was a different world entirely.

The inside of this arena was hell, a hell filled with blood and bodies with a demon residing right in the middle of it.

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