The Shadows in the Dark

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A hospital far away from civilization,

Inside one of the rooms on the third floor, there lay a young man on a bed. He had a ventilator on his face, and was connected to various machines. There were also two guards standing outside his ward, keeping an eye on everything around them. Along with the guards, there were various security measures in the corridor. After all, this hospital was made specifically for the rich and important people of the Federation. A hospital with the best medical facilities, doctors and security, a hospital which is most likely more guarded than many research facilities in the Federation.

And yet, inside the room, a child suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Pulling a chair beside the young man lying on the bed, he took the bag he had in his hand and placed it on a table beside the man. On the table, there lay a vase with a bouquet of flowers inside it, albeit a bit wilted. The child carefully replaced the flowers in the vase with new ones he had with him in his hand. And then, he opened the fridge on the other side of the bed. Inside the fridge, we could see many, many cans of coffee, and the child placed another can of coffee inside and closed the fridge. He then walked back to the chair he pulled up, and took a seat beside the young man. Looking at the scarred face of the young man, the child opening his mouth and spoke the first words since he came here,

"I'm back again Dev, and I have some good news," the child said with a smile.

" It turns out that the rebellion in Kazakhstan has started, and the RC wants me to go there and quell it down. *Smirk* What do they think of me? They even want me to unite the factions there and bring them under one leader. *Chuckle* How do they even expect me to do that? Well, I'm guessing Aunt Asha talked to them, or maybe Uday actually thought with his brain for once, and the RC decided to send along someone who is actually trained in this kind of stuff. But that's not the good news. The good news is that this will be my last mission. Uday has been delaying for too long, and so I decided to give him one final push. As soon as I have the location in my hands, I'm done. Done having to listen to the RC, having to follow their every order like a dog. And then Dev, once I have them, I will bring you back. I promise, I promise..." he completed, with a few tears glistening in his eyes. And as he was about to say something else, he suddenly heard footsteps outside the door. And so, Alaukik immediately teleported away from the room, just in time too, because as soon as he did, a nurse entered the room. Walking inside, the first thing she noticed was the new flowers in the vase, and seeing this, she thought,

'I wonder who our mystery guest is. They manage to enter and exit the hospital every week without anyone knowing. Even going as far as leaving behind flowers and a can of coffee every time they come. Even the director of the hospital has not taken any action to prevent this. Well, if they don't care, it certainly isn't going to be me trying to find out the identity of our mystery visitor. After all, I'm just here to take care of the important patients in this hospital.'


Deep underground, on an island with no signs of life,

Two men were walking down a corridor, and as they did, the man walking behind the first kept looking around the corridor, and seemed pretty shocked. Seeing this, the man in the lead said,

"You seem pretty surprised. You didn't expect us to have such a base in our hands?"

"No no sir, it's not like that. It's just that.... I didn't think that someone like me would be allowed to come to the HQ, especially since it's only been a few months since I've joined," replied the man in the back.

*Laughing heartily* "Indeed, indeed. If you had joined a few years ago, we wouldn't have brought you to the main base, but you see, now it's a different story. After all, we have - you know what, you'll know in a while yourself, Shi Bai. Ah, here we are," the man in the lead said, as he stood before a metal door. He then raised his palm and placed it on a brick beside the door, and then knocked on the door in a specific way. Slowly, the door opened, and the man walked inside immediately. Seeing this, Bai stopped for a second, and then took a deep breath and thought to himself.

'I'm this close to uncovering the truth. Although I don't know why they accepted me so quickly, I should use this opportunity to finally figure out their secret and find out who their real leader is. Yes, I need to do this. Don't be scared, Bai, you can do this.'

Exhaling, he slowly walked through the door and started following the other man again. Looking around, he saw many people in the room, most of them sitting on a desk with a computer in front of them, seemingly doing something important. What was surprising was that each one of them looked like they were enjoying their work, and all of them had bright smiles on their faces, as if helping this organisation was something they really enjoyed.

"Welcome to the HQ of our organisation. This is the place where all of our elites live, and the place where all of our plans are made. After all, fighting for equality is a big job. And this is where you will also work in the future, well, you'll be given the details later. So, what do you think?" The man in the lead asked, as he continued walking through various rooms and led Shi Bai forward.

"It's really big sir, far bigger than what I imagined. How did we manage to find so many loyal and elite people to serve our mission sir?"

"Ha! Loyal indeed. We made sure that each of them is loyal to the organisation down to their last cell. Don't worry, you'll know how soon, In fact, here we are. Now Bai, I want you to walk inside this door. Inside, you see a girl. What I want you to do is concentrate hard on her voice and look at her closely. This is important okay? Well then, see you in a few minutes." Saying this, the man in the lead opened the door and then moved aside, motioning for Shi Bai to enter the room. And so Bai entered the door, although you could see some apprehensiveness in his eyes.

Some time passed by, and then suddenly, the door to the room opened again, and out walked Shi Bai. However this time, you could see, no, feel the change in him. If before, he still was wary of the organisation he had joined, the only thing you could see in his eyes now was pure devotion and dedication to this organisation of his. Seeing this, the man standing beside the door smiled and said,

"Shi Bai, I formally welcome you to our organisation. You are now a core part of the biggest organisation fighting for equality in this world. You are now a core part of Blanche!"

Hearing this, Shi Bai felt an electric shock flowing through him, and suddenly felt the urge to bow and salute this man in front of him and to shout,

"For Equality!"


Far far away from the Federation, in a dark room that seemed like a crude mix between a room and laboratory, there sat a man in a white lab coat.

In front of him, knelt two other men. These men looked like they had been consuming steroids their entire life, with muscles bulging throughout their body and having a height of 6'5" and 6'7" respectively. And yet, the expression they had on their faces when they knelt in front of this skinny man was one of pure respect, and even a bit of fear. Suddenly, a voice came from man in the lab coat,

"01, 02. How is the plan coming along?"

"All good sir. It's going exactly as you said it would, without barely any changes."

"Good, good. Now remember, when he appears, follow the plan. And once he breaks, remember to return instantly. I don't want you two to die too. After all, you are the only ones that were strong enough to survive my studies."

"Yes boss. We will make sure that your will is followed through to the end."



Sorry for the late chapter *scratching my head* Was celebrating the end of my exams.

I was kind of torn on which organization I should use, whether Blanche itself or make a new one. However, for now I'm going with Blanche, since it is already present in the og work and can be connected to the main storyline in a way. Of course, Alaukik's butterfly effect is already in effect, so much has already changed.

There are many shadows crawling in the darkness of this world, each with their own motives. What do you think the motives are? Who are these new characters introduced? How will they effect Alaukik's life? To find out more, tune in tomorrow for an new episode of "The Daily life of Alaukik"!

Thank you for reading and as always, have a great day!

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