The destruction of Base Smaoi(1)

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Looking at Lalita, who stared back at him with serious eyes, Alaukik replied

"What do you mean, Base Smaoi is under attack? Why would anyone attack it? Even if they did, the soldiers in the base, especially my company, should be enough to handle any enemy that can sneak up to the base without any warning."

"That's the thing.. The scouts in the base weren't able to detect the army until it was too la-"

"Army? What do you mean by army?" Alaukik interrupted, his voice shaking a bit, not wanting to accept the worst possibility.

"Five; an army of five lakh men is attacking the base," replied Lalita, her voice cracking too.

"Five lakh. You want to tell me that five-hundred-thousand men sneaked up on a military base?! How do you even know this in the first place?" Alaukik questioned, his voice becoming higher with every sentence.

"My informants. This information has reached even the media, much less to my contacts. The RC has sent emergency reinforcements, however the problem is that by the time they reach the Base-"

"It would already be in ruins. The closest military base is 3 hours away, and even if they drive at top speed, it will take them at least 2 hours to reach Smaoi. Stopping 5,00,000 people would be impossible for them. Even our company would not be able to hold all of them back, Major," said Vinay, as his legs slowly gave way and he knelt on the floor, realising that he might never see his fellow men again.

"No, no. This cannot be happening. I might still be able to do something. I can do something! Lalita, when did the attack begin? Tell me quickly!"

"Twenty minutes, it's been 20 minutes since the news came out, so the base has probably been under attack for half an hour."

"Half an hour, that's ok, that's ok. If I leave now, I can make it in five minutes, meaning I might be able to save them. I can save them," Alaukik said, trying to believe in himself.

"But Major, you're still not fully healed, and if you use any more of your powers now, you will lose control again," said Vinay.

"I won't," was the only thing Alaukik said before teleporting away.


Half an hour ago, Base Smaoi

Inside a watchtower east of the base, there stood 2 soldiers. They were sitting on the chairs at the top, and were casually looking at the mountains in front of them. Since it had been very long since anyone had attacked Base Smaoi, the lookouts of the base had started to relax during their shifts. And while none of them completely ignored their duty, they didn't pay much attention to their areas and mostly just tried to entertain themselves with whatever was available. And while Alaukik knew this, he also knew that correcting them would be extremely hard, as it was human nature to relax during times of peace. Thus, he just had to let it be, as long as they paid minimum attention to their surroundings. And so as usual, the guards today weren't really paying attention to what was happening outside, but were playing cards amongst themselves.

On the other hand, on the mountainside facing the Base, Zhi Tsu and his army of 5,00,000 men were standing, gazing at the Base they were supposed to attack. Looking at his second-in-command, Zhi Tsu said,

"The technology we got from this mysterious man is working like a charm! It has prevented the satellites from finding us, and is even able to camouflage us in this snow! With this technology, our anti-magician infantry and mechanised tanks are sure to be able to go deep inside the Federation's territory. Ah! To think that this day would come, a day when I, Zhi Tsu, would be leading the conquest of the Federation! Truly, fate works in mysterious ways," * he completed with a smile. And as he did, he waved his hand to motion the beginning of the attack.

While they were quite far from the Base, 15 km to be exact, Zhi Tsu planned to destroy most of the base using the tanks** to bombard them, and then send 1/5th of his army to destroy the remnants.

And so, just as the sun had started to bathe the world with it's last rays, missiles upwards of 300 m/s shot towards Base Smaoi, with none of it's soldiers any wiser of what was about to hit them.



Dammit, I lost my author's note due to some internet problems. Anyways,

* = spoken in Chinese

** = The GAU (Great Asian Union) is one of the four major military powers in the world, along with the Fed, USNA and Soviet Union. Their army consists of infantry with anti-magician weapons and mechanized tanks.

This is my source, since it's impossible to go through the ln for every detail.

Sorry for the short chapter :_( . Pretty tired today too, but I will be editing and adding to the chapter first thing tomorrow morning, so stay on the lookout (16 hours at most).  I hope u come to like the novel more by the time you reach here :) ! 

As always, thank you for reading and have a great day ahead!

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