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Along one of the many roads inside Hyd Uni, three students were walking along, enjoying the serene and beautiful view surrounding them. Suddenly, one of them fell over, attracting the attention of his friends.

"Arjun, what happened?" said the one right beside him, wondering if his friend had finally collapsed from all the pressure.

"Did you see that just now? A boy just appeared and disappeared out of nowhere! Like, one second he was here, and the next, he vanished!" replied Arjun, pointing to a location between a few trees.

"Gahaha, when did you sleep last night Arjun? Are you still tired?" asked the leftmost one, chuckling at what his friend was saying.

"But I'm sure I saw him... maybe it is indeed my brain hallucinating," said Arjun, now doubting whether what he saw was real. However, just a moment later, the friend right beside him turned his phone towards Arjun and asked,

"Wait, was it this dude?"

Looking at the phone, Arjun saw a picture of the same person he saw in front.

"It is! But how?"

"How do I have this picture?" finished the friend, " These pictures have spread all around the Uni. Apparently he was first seen in front of AB1, where he appeared out of nowhere and disappeared the same way you described. After reading the comments and posts, it was pretty easy to put two and two together."

And while the trio tried to figure out what was happening, about five minutes ago, Alaukik was going through a problem of his own. Sitting down in a peaceful garden inside the Uni, Alaukik thought,

'How did she trick my domain? It doesn't make sense. None of this makes sense. Why did she even run away in the first place? No, not why, how? How was she able to run when I literally have my domain spread around at full size! I can nearly sense the entirety of the federation from where I stand! Of course, it isn't HD, but at least I can see some fuzzy details*! And yet, I can't sense this girl anywhere within my domain! I clearly remember her build, and there is not one who matches it within a radius of 500m! But that's not possible! With her physique, she shouldn't be able to cover 500m in barely a minute! She can't run that fast, and there's no straight and empty road here! So then, where did she go? And why can't I find her?'

Punching the tree he was leaning on, he tried to think of some ways to solve this problem.

'Should I just do that? But, 30** seconds won't be enough for me to search even a 100m circle around the block. And it consumes a lot of energy, which I don't want to risk considering what happened a while ago. What does that leave me with? Should I reverse time?'

The moment that thought came to his mind, he burst out laughing; bending over and hitting the ground with his fist.

'I'm still the best joker ever. Reverse time?! Have I grown so cocky? I think I can reverse time?' Shaking his head and getting back up, he thought, 'I think it's time I start working on myself.'

'But anyways, that's not the current problem. At this point, the only choice I have is to do a grid search staring with the block as the centre. I will go around the block, searching physically for her. Even though she was able to trick my domain, I doubt she would be able to trick real eyes. If she could, she wouldn't she have left far earlier?'

And so, deciding on a plan, Alaukik immediately started to act on it. What he didn't know though, was that his constant appearing and disappearing was causing havoc among the University, with rumours of a ghost of a child covered in blood starting to spread all over.

Nearly ten minutes later, when he had covered nearly a 200 m circle around the block-

Appearing once again in a new area, Alaukik sighed for a bit, and thought to himself,

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