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The next morning, Alaukik teleported to the ground at 0720, but to his surprise, only 60 of his soldiers were there, waiting for him. Seeing this, he started to feel annoyed, thinking,

'Was yesterday not enough? Do I need to go through another exercise session?'

However, before he could think some more, the soldiers gave him a salute and greeted him with a loud,

"Good morning Major!" After having greeted the major, one of the soldiers, Vinay, one of the soldiers who had sided with Alaukik yesterday, stepped forward and said,

"Good morning major! As you can see, there are only 60 of us assembled here. That is because due to yesterday's .... exercise, 30 of our soldiers that have broken wrists, ankles and other minor breaks are currently still in the infirmary, healing. The doctors say that it will take about one week for them to fully recover.. Even with the best equipment they have. So, I hope you can excuse them this time," saying this, he bowed at a 45o degree angle towards Alaukik and waited for a response.

'So that's what happened!' Having understood what happened, Alaukik looked at Vinay and said,

"What are you doing? This isn't the mediaeval age. There's no need to bow down to me.. But very well, I'll excuse them. You may return," while his honest thoughts were something along the lines of

'Everyone should learn how to bow.. *nodding head in appreciation*'

"Well then, until they heal up and we're ready to do some actual exercises, we'll just be going with some team-building exercises. So, first things first, everyone introduce yourselves!"

'This leader stuff is hard.. What am I even supposed to teach them? I was never taught any of this in school!'


A week later...

Inside the commander's tent, stood Alaukik. Looking at a large tv screen inside, he looked extremely annoyed.

"Are you kidding me Hriday?! If you're not even here, why'd you call me here? I could have just picked up your call on my phone! Why'd you have me come all the way here? You realise how much of a time waste this is?!"

"Alaukik.. sir, this was necessary because this is the only way I can contact you securely.. Your phone is not as secure as this device," came Hriday's reply from the screen.

"But there's no point! You realise I can't even see you! Anyways, why'd you call me? And why are you not here? Isn't this your tent?"

"Sir... I am the General of the federation's army.. I can't stay in one place forever. I keep moving around the Federation as the RC commands. These tents are just there for when I do come," his annoyance starting to show on his face as he continued, "As for why I've called you, it's because I have a mission for you and your company. We have found signs of what seems like the rebel's scouts. I would like you to investigate it and eliminate them if you can. Get some captives or information from their base while you do."

"Ok..? Is that it? That's what you called me all the way here for? Which part of this information was so important you had to use this extremely 'secure' device for??"

"We cannot risk the scouts getting to know about this.. However slim the chance might be, we cannot risk it. A lion fights even a rabbit with all his strength. Anyways, the location of the trails is shown on the screen right now, and I hope you can assemble your team and leave within two hours."

"Gah, very well. I'll do it. Umm, wait a second.. You realise I can't see the screen right?! How do you expect me to know the location?!"

"Ah.. um, I'm sorry for that.. The location is 10 km northwest of the base.. Good luck," saying that, Hriday dipped.

"Hmph.. 10 km huh.. that's just on the edge.. Well, guess it's time for a proper exercise now. And just the day when all of my company assembles."

'Let's get them assembled then huh.'

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