Mandatory Shounen Time Skip

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In a thick mountainous forest blanketed with pure white snow, walked a group of men. Each of them walked without making even a hint of sound, as if they didn't even exist. If not for the extremely faint sound of their breathing, you wouldn't even be able to tell if they were alive. Walking in a formation with three in front, four in the middle and two behind, they slowly made their way forward, as if tracking for something..or someone. Suddenly, the man ahead of them all raised his hand, palm closed tightly. Seeing this, the rest stopped in one place, not moving a single inch. Then, the man continued to make more signs. He first raised two fingers, and then opened his palm fully, facing the forward direction. Seeing this symbol, the rest slowly grouped together with the first three, surrounding one man in the centre. Then once again, they slowly moved forward. Exiting the treeline, what greeted them was a vast expanse of hills, rising and falling as snow slowly fell on every inch of ground. Gazing at the beautiful scenery for a second, the man in front once again signalled for the group to slowly move forward. However, before they had moved barely ten steps and fully crossed the treeline, another man beside the first one suddenly signalled for them to stop, as he slowly knelt on the ground and placed one hand on it while closing his eyes, as if feeling something. For a second, all was silent, but then suddenly the man's eyes shot wide open and he opened his mouth to scream,

"Scatt-!" And yet before he could finish, an explosion strong enough to kill someone blew the layer of ice and snow right in front of the man who shouted, sending him and the group flying backwards and back into the treeline. And just as the explosion occurred, another group of nine people emerged from the snow and started to run towards the first group. As they ran, a device in their hands started to light up with various circles rotating around it. And five of them raised their hands in front of them and shouted,

"Oh spirits of Agni! Help me strike down my foe!"

"Fireball !!"

And instantly, five balls of fire materialised in front of them and started to speedily chase the nine who went flying. However, before they could hit their targets, one of the men from the original group, who had now recovered from the sudden explosion, slammed his hands on the ground in front of him and said,

"Earth Wall," after which, a wall of about half a metre in thickness and two metres in height rose from the ground, meeting the fireballs in the air.

*Boom* x5

Even as it managed to block the fireballs, the wall itself was now looking completely charred. And just a second later, it completely crumbled into dust, with the one who created it now gasping for breath as he lay on the ground, with barely any energy left in his body. However, his task was over. He had bought enough time for his teammates, who did not waste the chance he had brought them, as immediately after the wall broke, six various spells rained on the opposite group,

"Ice lance!"x2 "Wind bullet!"x3 "Fire bullets!"

And suddenly, it was the opposite team under attack. With a barrage of attacks coming towards them, their faces suddenly fell as they fell back towards one person. The man they went towards however, suddenly spread his arms wide open and said,

"Divine Shield of water!"

And suddenly, a sphere of water covered the entire group, and tried to block the attack from the opposite team. However, it did not work as expected. While the shield managed to block the wind bullets, the big ones had not yet come. When the ice lance's landed on the shield, they completely froze it, and when the flame bullets came in contact with the frozen shield, they broke through it like fire through ice and immediately arrived in front of four of the men inside the shield. Seeing the bullets in front of them, their eyes widened in fear before the bullets passed through their bodies. And as soon as they did, a whistle rang out from above them, causing all of the men to drop their guard and relax. As they looked above, they saw a young child of about ten or eleven drop from the sky and start to gaze at them,

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