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Half a year after Alaukik started his combat training...

At the Research Institute, 5 pm, inside the gravity arena, you could hear the sounds of two bodies colliding... in the fighting way.

Stepping inside, what you would see was two streaks of light flashing through the room, sometimes colliding with each other, all the while making an awful lot of noise.

After what seemed like a long time, the two lights came to a stop, and you could finally make them out. Standing in the middle of the arena were Alaukik and Instructor.

"I don't think there is much else to teach you boy. Over the past 6 months, you've grown so fast, I think my blood pressure has only risen due to the shocks I've received."


"And today's test of your combat abilities and your overall fitness has qualified you for further training. As for what that training will be, you shall be briefed about it later. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir."

After saying this, the instructor dismissed Alaukik, and watched him as

he left the arena.

'Hmm, maybe I should also report the fact that he has become extremely silent over the past few months.. But, I don't think it is that big of a problem. In fact, a soldier who follows the orders to a T is what we need."

Slowly, Alaukik made his way to his room in the Institute. Along the way, he was greeted by many researchers and workers in the Institute, but he never responded to any of them. When he reached the corridor that led to his room, he noticed Devendra standing in front of his room. Hearing the sound of footsteps, Devendra turned back and noticed Alaukik.

"Alaukik! How are you? You finished your combat and fitness training today! Congratulations!"

"Thanks. Do you need something?"

" I don't need anything. I just thought that you might want to celebrate this occasion with me...."

"I want some me time. After this, I have a briefing about my future training."

"Would you like me to accompany you to the meeting?"

"That won't be needed. Now, if you don't have any other business," saying this, Alaukik gestured for Devednra to leave.

"Very well..." said Devendra, as he left with an obviously dejected face.

'I don't understand what happened... He was acting nice just a month ago..'

After Alaukik entered the room, he made sure that nothing in his room was changed (with space location, he could easily know if anything was changed even slightly) and then lay down on his bed.

'What is happening to me? Over the past few months, I've suddenly become cold and unfeeling. I don't react to things, I don't care about a lot of things anymore... is it related to that? It must be right?'

What Alaukik was talking about were his powers. Since the day he fainted in the gravity arena, he acquired...or more like discovered a new set of powers inside himself.

'Aside from influencing space, I can also influence time... Let's try to organize my findings...

First, how magic works. Although I did read all the ln for Mahouka, the real world will obviously be more detailed in this part.

So, magic, in short, magic is the ability of a magician to temporarily alter the information of the things around him. This is called Eidos. Magic consists of a few parts, activation sequence, magic sequence, and then magic ritual. The activation sequence is sent to the subconscious mind of the magician, who then reads it and then adds coordinates, duration and other variables, making it a magic sequence, and this gives rise to the final magic ritual, which then passes through the 'gate' whereupon it is projected onto the real world, altering information events in the world, eidos.

Now, not all of that applies to me. For example, I don't need activation sequences, or even magic sequences. It seems like I can alter information events as I wish, without having to go through all that hassle. However, it does consume psions when I cast magic. Another problem is that I can only influence space... and time also. Adding all this together, I have concluded that I am a superpower user with my power being [Space and time].

However, I can only influence time a little. I have a feeling that I am missing something...but I can't put my finger on it. In fact, this ability to influence time has been slowly growing more and more, and I don't understand why....

Anyways, my powers that I know at this point are:

Space Location

Space cutting, wherein I can cut space.

Space teleportation, where I can teleport to any place that I can sense, or that I have marked already using psions

Space melding, well, basically, I can fold space to be whatever I want, be it a sword, gun, spear anything.

Time acceleration and deceleration, I can accelerate or decelerate at most 4x my current speed. Although I feel like I can do more, it's not possible as of now...

All of these need psions to be used, however my psion count is humungous, according to what I can sense. So much so that I can use time acceleration, my most costly ability, for a full 5 hours at max strength.

Then, I don't remember what year Tatsuya joined high school, but it was in the 2090's, so I have time before the big things start to happen. Also, Tatsuya... whether I can resist his ability is unknown, so I better not show any hostility to him.. Not that he's near me...

Anyway, that concludes my findings. I will have to wait and see what occurs with the time powers, as I don't have enough information about this right now, and I can't ask anyone because I want to keep these powers a secret.'

After going through all these, Alaukik relaxed, and slowly fell asleep.

A while later,

"Knock Knock."

Hearing this, Alaukik sat up straight on his bed, and then got off and walked towards the door.

Opening it, he saw Devendra standing outside.

"Well, it's not that I wanted to accompany you, the higher ups decided to assign me to bring you to the briefing."


"Then let's go!" said Devendra in a slightly happy yet concerned voice.

Reaching the room where Alaukik was first informed of his combat training, both of them slowly entered the room. The people inside however, were not the same as last time. This time, only the three heads were present.

"Welcome Alaukik! Congratu-"

"Skip the pleasantries please."

"Very well... to go straight to the point, you have a new training regiment. It says, and I quote

'Seeing your exemplary performance in the combat test and the praise you received from your instructor, you have been promoted early from his training. Now, you shall undergo real-world training. Good luck, Alaukik'

Good luck indeed, after all, your real-world training means that you shall have to fight against bloodthirsty criminals that the RC has caught but didn't execute... Let's just say that those criminals are strong enough for me to be afraid of them..." said Anand.

"Here is your training regimen Alaukik," said Arvind, handing Alaukik a piece of paper. Arvind then leaned towards Alaukik a bit, and whispered in his ear, "I am sorry you have to go through this... Ms. Chandrashekar is currently in an important phase of her magic research and will not be leaving her lab for a while, and without her, I can't really influence the RC's decision. I hope that you can bear with this training for a while, and as soon as Ms. Chandrashekar comes out, I'll inform her of the situation and with her help we'll try to stop this mad training regimen. Just, hold on for a while Alaukik..."

Hearing this, Alaukik felt a bolt of lightning strike through his mind,

'Ms. Asha! Of course! Why didn't I think of this earlier?! She's a magic researcher, and she is known to be a kind soul, who believes that magicians are not weapons. Also, considering the fact that I am just a young child, she might be more kind towards me. That means that I can ask her about my problem! Of course, I'll have to wait and see if she can really be trusted completely before I disclose my time powers, but I can ask her about my emotional changes! Yes! In fact, I think I'll ultimately take Devendra up on his offer to celebrate.'

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