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Inside a building in Astana*, capital of Kazakhstan,

With the falling sun shining on the city, one could notice most of the city was in ruins, with its beautiful architecture no longer visible under the smoke and flames covering the cityscape. The city was currently divided into two parts, the south and the north. The northern part was dominated by the rebel forces, while the southern part was held strong by the government. With the parliament as the front line of the battlefield, the military was under immense pressure to make sure that the symbol of their government didn't fall. And while the south and north were fairly stable, the centre of the city was in complete ruins. The multiple bridges connecting the two sides of the city had been destroyed and yet, with continuous attempts from both sides to capture the other half of, the centre of the city was almost always a battlefield, with rebels and soldiers fighting it out day and night, not having the luxury of taking a break.

And inside one of the surviving hotels in the south , the trio of Alaukik, Vinay and Lalita were currently discussing their future plans. It had already been a month since they came to the capital, and they had successfully executed the first part of Lalita's plan, collecting information. Now, knowing when and where the leader of both parties would be, all they had to do now was come up with a plan to get into the building, kill them and immediately take control of the higher ups in each force. Otherwise, if they just killed the leaders and weren't able to control the others in time, their respective armies would scatter due to loss of command, and it would become exponentially harder to bring them together and forge peace. Thankfully, tomorrow was a day when both the rebels and the government's leaders would be having a meeting to decide their respective actions.

"So, let's go over the main plan once again," said Alaukik, facing the two sitting opposite him across a table.

"Our first goal is to infiltrate the rebel leader's hideout, assassinate him, and then immediately control his minions. To make sure this goes smoothly, we will be attacking when they're holding a meeting, information which we got from one of their members who overheard the higher - ups talking about it. It would have been better if we could've gotten information from one of the higher-ups themselves, but they never leave their hideout, and kidnapping one of them would be too much of a risk, as their leader might decide to change everything due to being worried about an information leak. So, this leaves us with only one option, infiltrating when the meeting is going to occur, and then immediately moving forward with the plan. Lalita, once again, how confident are you in fully controlling the higher-ups?" asked Alaukik.

"A hundred percent. As long as the number of people I'm currently controlling doesn't exceed 6, I can fully control their every thought and action. Of course, this might mean we will have to cut down their numbers if they exceed our limits. And as discussed before, I will need to remain close to them to keep them under control. I need to stick around them for at least half a year for full control to set in, but that's for after we finish our mission," replied Lalita, with an extremely confident tone.

"After taking down the rebels comes the hard part," said Vinay. "Since the government of Kazakhstan is ruled jointly by a group of three parties, we have to make sure to eliminate all three at once. Or at least make sure the information of the death of one leader does not reach the other two. To do this, we will have to time it so that we attack exactly when all three of the leaders are present in one area. However, this will raise another problem-"

"And that is the fact that even if we are able to kill the leaders, controlling their minions immediately would be nigh impossible since they won't always be around the leaders. They'll be spread all around the parliament, and we would have to go around to each of them personally and control them. To counter this, I say that we kill off most of the minions except those that are influential and are important for maintaining the new government," added Alaukik. "Considering that you can only control six at most, and that we can't reach all of them in time, we should make it so that only those that we need survive. I can easily go around and kill most of them. All we need now is to decide which one's we kill..."

And so, their discussion continued until late in the night, after which they all went to bed, intending to be fully prepared for tomorrow's plan.

And so, a night quickly passed, and the sun shone on the war torn city, bringing with it both a hope for a change and possibility of more chaos.

Once again surrounding the table, the trio looked at each other, psyching themselves for what was about to come. Looking at the two, Vinay said,

"Very well then, I wish you both good luck on this mission. As planned, I will be on the lookout from here, and inform you of any changes taking place."

Nodding at Vinay, Alaukik looked at Lalita, and then teleported the both of them to the rebel base in the west of the city.

The rebel base was a large building with an underground area too. In fact, the building was originally a storage area for various objects during and after WW3, but was then abandoned and scheduled to be torn down, until the rebels came in and turned it into their main base. They used the already built rooms and divisions already existing to make it harder for anyone to infiltrate the building, and also converted the underground area into a more usable area. Alakik and Lalita know that the leader always holds his meetings underground, and even lives underground. No one in the rebel army has ever seen him come out of the underground part. And so, Alaukik and Lalita slowly made their way through the base, with Alaukik constantly scanning the ground around him. Unfortunately, his range underground was a measly 833 metres, and so it was hard for him to search for the base. Walking through the building, Alaukik and Lalita slowly made their way to the centre, while avoiding the eyes of the rebels, which was fairly easy to do. Suddenly, when they came close to the centre, Alaukik felt something different. His range of sensing suddenly was cut down by a lot, and he could now barely sense 50m in the ground. The ground had suddenly become a lot denser, and there were various other dense impurities** in the ground that blocked Alaukik's domain from spreading. Feeling this, Alaukik faced Lalita and said,

"We're in trouble."


East of Base Smaoi, about 50 km away,

An army consisting of nearly one and a half million soldiers was climbing the mountains to the east of the base. They were dressed in camouflage suits that allowed them to blend in the snow, and were spread out in a long line with multiple rows to make sure that the Base couldn't sense them coming until they were extremely close. And slowly, this army trugged forward under the command of their General, Zhi Tsu.

And unaware of this, the soldiers inside Base Smaoi continued with their life as usual...



* = an Astana that has expanded after WW3, and now has a radius of 100 km.

** = tungsten, lead etc.

Do you know how long it took me to calculate how much his domain can spread inside the ground??! HALF AND HOUR!! I even had to bring in an expert! It should be accurate, but any fact checkers are welcome to come and check.

And how long did I take to come up with the generals name? A few seconds...

I think I need to get my priorities straight...(so say's my expert)

Anyways, that's it for today, and the next chapter will come out on monday!

Thank you for reading and have a great day ahead!

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