Chapter 76: A new discovery

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Taking a quick scan around him, Alaukik sighed before facing Ash.

"So, how do you want to do this?" he asked Ash.

Ash, on the other hand, was already on the ground, stretching and warming up. Hearing Alaukik's question, he turned up to look at him and said,

"What do you mean? Like Mayweather said, we simply fight until one of us surrenders or is unable to continue."

Nodding his head, Alaukik asked,

"Okay. Then, we don't use normal magic?"

Jumping to his feet, Ash also nodded, saying,


Slowly, the both of them walked closer to each other, until they stood barely a metre apart.

"Well then," spoke Ash,

"Good luck."

Letting out one final sigh, Alaukik whispered,

"I hate luck," before beginning to bounce on his feet, warming up his body a bit.

However, not even a second later, Ash had already appeared in front of Alaukik, his fist quickly making his way towards Alaukik's face.

Unfortunately for Ash, Alaukik had already sensed it coming, and easily dodged it by ducking underneath it.

Ash, not surprised at his failure, brought his right knee straight up, intending to hit Alaukik while he was bent down.

However, even this was fated to fail, as Alaukik easily jumped backwards, escaping from Ash's knee kick and regaining his balance. Immediately after, he quickly lashed out with a punch of his own, a hook that came in from Alaukik's right fist.

However, even it failed to connect with its target, as Ash simply bent over a bit to the left to avoid the punch. Seeing this, Alaukik didn't press on, and instead stepped back.

'This is so boring,' he thought.

'Should I really be here fighting against high school kids?' he thought, as he dodged another kick from Ash.

'The only one amongst these guys who could be close to my level is Lisa, who's also received military training.'

Sensing Divya and Lisa fighting each other towards his right, Alaukik chuckled a bit.

In fact, it could be said that Divya was receiving a beating single handedly, as Lisa wasn't simply dodging like Alaukik and was attacking instead.

However, seeing Alaukik chuckle, Ash felt a rising sense of irritation. It was clear to Ash that Alaukik was not paying attention to him at all, and was simply dodging and jumping away, not intending to fight for real.

Even with the flurry of punches and kicks Ash was sending Alaukik's way, Alaukik managed to avoid all of them easily, and even let out a chuckle in the middle of it.

"Now that's too much," said Ash, stopping his attacks. Taking a few steps back, he continued,

"I get that nobody is taking this fight seriously, but you aren't even pretending to be interested in it are you?"

Hearing this, Alaukik focusd back on Ash,

"Why would I be interested in fighting children?" he asked. Even before transmigrating, Alaukik was an 18 year old, so to ask him to fight a bunch of 14 year olds - especially after he went through all that torturous training was simply a joke to him.

'Honestly, I was hoping we could simply fight and I could figure out a bit about you, but it seems like I will have to get a bit serious,' thought Ash.

Letting out a deep breath, Ash slowly bent down and instantly shot towards Alaukik, bringing back his fist in preparation to launch a punch.

'Another punch? I thought it was going to be some special move or something?' thought Alaukik to himself, preparing himself to dodge this punch too.

And like he had predicted, Alaukik calmly stepped back, easily dodging the punch Ash threw. Except, the very next moment, Alaukik sensed something that shocked him to the core of his mind;

'A space tear? Did Ash just tear space?!'

Indeed, the punch, which would've normally fallen short, had now appeared right in front of Alaukik's face, thanks to a space tear that suddenly appeared in front of Ash's fist.

However, that wasn't what shocked him the most. No, what threw Alaukik's mind into complete disarray is the fact that

'His powers are similar to the twins. But...his are worse for some reason..'

'Let's kidnap him and make him speak.'

'For once,' Alaukik said to OG,

'You've actually said something intelligent.'

Of course, while Alaukik might've been having his first ever proper conversation with OG, Ash's punch hadn't just stopped in time, and unfortunately for Alaukik, it struck right on target - Alaukik's face.


Well, that was the plan at least. Unfortunately for Ash, no matter how far Alaukik had fallen from his peak, he had never once stopped the shield around him, meaning that Ash never managed to touch Alaukik's face, and only managed to knock off his sunglasses.

Slicking back his hair, Alaukik have out a chuckle and said,

"Well isn't this a surprise? Here I was, running around like a madman trying to find a trace of the twins, when the actual clue existed right in front of me."

Bending down, Alaukik slowly picked up his sunglasses and placed them on his face.

Of course, although it was a short period of time, Ash had noticed something that shocked him to his core.

"You... why are your eyes closed? Don't tell me ... you're blind?" Ash asked, slowly backing away from Alaukik.

'That shouldn't be possible - how could a blind person dodge all of my attacks? And what was up with that last one? I'm sure I connected with his face, but it felt like I was pushing through rubber and not skin!'

Smirking, Alaukik slowly started walking forward, matching Ash's pace.

"Well it's quite a long story, but indeed, my eyes are currently not ... in working condition."

"However, the more interesting thing is, you clearly have a basic control over space at least, enough to teleport small items like your first and yet," said Alaukik, this time taking a bigger step and coming within inches of Ash's face,

On the other hand, Ash, who had been backing away slowly, suddenly stopped, because at this moment, he felt something from Alaukik, as if a dangerous being had awakened.

All of Ash's instincts were screaming at him to run, and yet his body just wouldn't move, and so, he was forced to watch as Alaukik slowly made his way to him, unable to do a thing.

"How is it that you never noticed the constant waves I'm sending in space? Unless, you can't. That means, that you can somehow tear space, but you can't feel space itself?" finished Alaukik.

Tilting his head left and right, Alaukik continued,

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A person who can tear space, but can't feel it?" Grabbing hold of his throat, Alaukik lifted Ash straight up in the air, and asked,

"Now why don't you spill how you got these powers before I kill you?"


Honestly, this was never planned to be like this. Ash was never supposed to have space powers, but I was travelling in a train yesterday and today, and I suddenly got this idea, and it fit perfectly with what I had in mind for the future story...

So, here we are, Ash is now a proud user of teleportation, although only teleportation. The reasons will become clear in the future, so don't worry. 

And as always, thank you for reading and have a great day ahead!

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