Joining the Military

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Taking a deep breath, Alaukik looked at the military base in front of him. Located in the north western frontier of the Federation, the Bloody Fort was an important part of the defence line of the Federation. It was a base that survived from WW3, where it had witnessed countless battles fought on its grounds. With mountains behind and on its left, and a plain to its right, it was a very hard to attack but comparatively easy to defend base. In fact, there used to be a river flowing beside the base, which gave them a source of water but also a way into the enemy territory, however, the river's path was changed over the course of the war, due to the many devastating spells that had been used around it, altering its flow. Having a radius of 5km, it was surrounded by 15 metre tall reinforced walls all around it, and the only entrance was through a 10 m thick metal gate that was constantly protected using barrier magic.

Alaukik was posted here because of a few different reasons. The major one being that the Federation has received confirmed news from sources that rebels from the nation of Kazakhstan were trying to attack the Federation here. Where they got their courage was unknown, however, since they were seen scouting the area, the Federation decided to reinforce the base a bit and wait for the rebel's future moves. This is where Alaukik came in. Considering that the RC knew about his ability to teleport and were recently informed of his ability to bring other people along to teleport, he would join a newly formed rapid response company consisting of 90 magicians, each extremely skilled and strong. It was decided that they would respond directly to the Army HQ, that is, they were directly under the command of General Hriday, head of the entire army. In case of an attack, they could easily reach the designated area and begin to fight back.

Walking towards the base, Alaukik had multiple thoughts wandering inside his head. However, as he reached the entrance of the base, they all slowly died out. He stood in front of the base, waiting for the one who was supposed to pick him up. In just a few minutes, the gate of the base opened, and out walked the one and only General of the army, Hriday. Seeing him walk out, Alaukik gave him a slight bow, and then started to walk inside. However, before he could, Hriday stopped him and said,


" Special Major Alaukik, you are supposed to salute when you see a higher ranked soldier. Please do remember that you are now part of the military."

Hearing this, Alaukik looked at Hriday's face, as if making sure he was serious, and seeing the stern look on his face, he moved his arm towards his forehead and gave a salute to him.

"Good morning, Sir General. I am here as I was ordered. What now sir?"

"Good. For now, follow me as I take you to your new residence. Considering your special situation, I have decided to give you a residence separated from the rest of your company," saying which, Hriady began to move forward.

"Yes sir," came Alaukik's reply as he started following Hriday.

After minutes of walking, they reached Alaukik's residence. It was located a bit north of the central commander's tent, quite far from the gate but closer to the northern walls of the base. While it looked like a normal tent, inside, it was very different. It had a nice bed, a desk and chair, a lamp along with other items that made the whole tent seem like a makeshift home. Stepping inside and looking around, Alaukik moved towards the chair inside the tent, and then sat on it. Having made himself comfortable, he looked towards Hriday, who was standing near the entrance of the tent, with an uncomfortable expression on his face.

"Oh, what's the matter.. Sir General? Why're you just standing there in, come in, have a seat. Or would you rather not?"

"Alaukik.. Hear me out. I am a general, and while you might be a special major, you still have to show me some respect, at least when others are around, or else the already dissatisfied soldiers might become more upset."

"It's SIR Alaukik for you Hriday, please do remember that. Or have you forgotten that your life is now mine? One snap is all it would take for your heart to stop pumping blood, and then it's game over for you, am I wrong?"

"You are completely right sir.. I am sorry for my previous actions. Please forgive me for them."

"Well, it's fine. I'm not cold hearted. I understand your situation.. Well, as long as you don't go too far, I am willing to play along with your drama. Well, that's it for today I guess. I want to relax a bit after my long journey. I'll meet my company tomorrow morning. You may leave now."

Hearing this, Hriday quickly turned around and left the tent, leaving Alaukik to his own devices.

'Let's see, considering what Hriday told me about soldiers being dissatisfied, I'm guessing nobody would like it if some random child suddenly came and became an officer ranking higher than them.. Well, I guess I'll deal with it tomorrow. But still, it was fun being a child, even though it lasted for only a week. Now, it's time to get into high Tanya gear. Well, hopefully I won't have to become the Devil of a battlefield, although it might be really cool to have a nickname like that... But anyways, I should finish the timeline I started to make about Mahouka, just in case.'


Inside a small city near Agartala, Tripura

Two middle-aged men were walking across the streets of the city, clearly drunk from the way they were walking. They were walking around without any clear destination, seemingly enjoying the night. However, as they slowly walked away from the dense night crowd, and towards an isolated area of the city, they started to walk properly, constantly looking around, as if afraid of someone following them. In a few minutes, they reached what looked like an abandoned villa, with moss growing on its walls and various creepers hanging on its terrace and balconies. They slowly walked towards the door, and then knocked on the door in some form of code, two slow knocks and three fast ones. Waiting for a few seconds, the door suddenly opened and the two men quickly entered inside, the latter one locking the door behind himself.

"Yang, Chen, you're late. What's the report for today? Have you properly locked onto our targets?"

Hearing this voice, the two men suddenly straightened their hunched backs and then replied,

"All done boss. We have researched the daily routines of our targets and have found out all the information available about them. It's just that.." said Chen.

"It's just what? Hurry up."

"It's just that we have found another candidate who fits the requirements. Apparently, she has recently come to the city and is currently on the streets, begging. We felt some psion waves from her, and so decided to tail her. We found out that she is homeless, and after some digging, realised that she's a runaway. If you would give us some more time, we would be able to find out more about her and be able to take her too. I believe it would really make the higher ups happy," said the man whose name was Yang.

"Hmmm, very well then. At most a few days.. After that, we have to move. The bloody dogs have already started to smell us. We need to hurry."

"Yes boss!"

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