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30 km underground, PDM

Inside the last cell along the corridor of the PDM, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed, lay Alaukik. Cuffed around the neck, wrists and feet, he was unable to move around much, and had to just lay there, counting the passing seconds one by one.

'This is boring... I thought after what I did they might just decide to end me, but I guess they need me more than I realized. Well, it doesn't really matter, as this works out in my favor anyway. If they had decided to execute me, I would've had to run away, and that would not have been fun. The constant danger of me losing my powers along with the fact that the RC would keep chasing me would make it literal hell mode. It would be best if I can keep staying here, considering the many benefits that come with it. Apart from the fact that I need to make sure Devendra's all right, there's also the fact that Asha is the only one I know who might be able to help me figure out what's happening and how I can fix it. But even if I can't get her to help me, just having these anti-magic chains around is a great help in limiting my power... by a bit. Well, at least they won't be going on a rampage for a while.'

*Sound of shoe's hitting a metal floor*

'Oh, someone's coming! I wonder who it is!?'

Opening his eyes and looking towards the door, he saw a hazy face through the glass pane on the door to the cell, and as he was trying to figure out if it was someone he knew, the door opened, and in came the one lady Alaukik was hoping he would get to meet, the one lady, he had made sure would come to meet him.. Asha Chandrashekar. Walking in with a grim expression on her face, Asha immediately stood in front of Alaukik for a few seconds, and then turned back and ordered the guard

"Bring in a chair, no, in fact bring in two. And also, remove the chain around his legs."

Immediately, the guard turned around and within a minute, everything was ready. Moving his finally free legs around a bit, Alaukik sat on the chair and looked over towards Asha,

"You do realize Ms. Asha, that you just removed the chains of a very very dangerous criminal. And now you are going to talk to said criminal, without any guards whatsoever."

"Alaukik.. you've changed. I'm sorry I wasn't able to stop the RC from doing what they did, forcing you into mortal kombat with another mage. I know this doesn't help, but still, I'm sorry..." saying this, Asha fell into a few seconds of silence and then continued, "But, this does not mean that I can overlook what you have done this time. Although I would like to believe from the very bottom of my heart that this was not you, that no, the Alaukik I had gotten to know in the first few months could not have done this, and yet, all the evidence points towards you. Your psion signature is all over the place, and the fluctuations in space are still observable. So, please, tell me what exactly happened."

"What happened huh.. That is a long story, so if you're free, I'm ready to start anytime," saying this, he looked at Asha, and seeing no outward reaction from her, he continued

"Well then*, let's start from the beginning. From where this entire mess started.. From the day I killed the woman whose name I don't even remember..." and so, Alaukik spent a couple of hours explaining to Asha what happened. From suddenly losing control of his powers in the medical room, to finding himself in the forest, and then losing control again, and then waking up inside the research institute only to realize what he had done. However, he did not tell her anything about his powers over time, nor did he tell her what he saw in the cave.. After all, that information already had a buyer. And Alaukik hates breaking promises... **

"Is that so..." replied Asha, a clear frown visible on her face as she tried to come to terms with the information she just received. While any other person might just regard the entire tale as bogus and move on, Asha actually gave it some thought and then said,

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