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Stepping out of the house, Alaukik decided to go to the park he always teleported to when he needed to think. This time however, he slowly walked his way there, trying not to use his powers unless necessary.

He even reduced the size of his domain to only one km around him, which although felt constricting, was a necessary measure.

One would think that he would take this time to gaze at the scenery around him, however not Alaukik. Even while walking, his mind was on a completely different matter. You see, during the fight with the twins, Alaukik had a feeling that they might escape again, and that is why he made sure to plant a tracker on them. Well, calling it a tracker was a stretch - it was basically a piece of space that left a faint trail as it moved - it was similar to leaving a trail of powder when you were kidnapped to help your rescuers know where you are.

Anyways, Alaukik was currently feeling the movement of that trail. To his surprise however, the trail kept bouncing around the world every few minutes. In just the time he was talking to Asha, the trail had gone from the Federation to the GAU to Africa to Japan and quite a few other random locations. As he was making his way to the park, Alaukik continued to sense the trail, waiting for the twins to stop at one place.

Slowly, after like15 random teleportations, the trail on the twins suddenly disappeared, as if wiped out by someone else. Snapping to attention, Alaukik quickly focused on the quickly disappearing trail to figure out the final location of the twins.

'America? Why did the trail end in America - wait, it's called USNA here right? Anyways, so I guess they have a base in the USNA? But, how do I track them down? I don't have an accurate location since the trail is faint and was so far away, but - at least I know they are somewhere in the USNA. Hmm, since aunty wants me to go to school anyways, I can just tell her that I want to go to a school in the USNA!' he thought, nodding to himself.

' I'll have to convince her somehow, but that's possible! This way, I can get a proper identity there, and don't even have to teleport that far! I can simply fly there and investigate semi - openly!'

And as for questions like whether the RC would agree to him leaving the Federation, or whether they would issue him a passport never even came to his mind. Since he had already killed Jamshed, and Uday had run away, the RC was no longer something Alaukik had to care about, and he knew that with Asha on his side things would work out. At worst, he figured, he would have to show his power a bit more before the RC came on the right track.

And so, with his future plan figured out, Alaukik relaxed and started to look around, finally enjoying the greenery and fresh air around him.


The RC was currently in chaos.

They had lost two of their leaders in just one day, and were rushing to reduce the damage that their death / disappearance caused. Of course, it wasn't like there were no countermeasures to such a situation, it's just that those measures took time to take effect. And so, until the RC could elect a new council member to replace Uday and a new military leader to replace Jamshed, they would have to remain in an emergency state and ensure that their current weakness are not found by any of the other countries.

The most probable candidate to replace Jamshed is Hriday, while Uday's replacement will take more time to choose, since his position is a democratically chosen one. The RC would probably declare Uday as a traitor of the highest priority and would launch an all out search for him since he knows a lot of the Federations' secrets. Of course, none of this matters to Alaukik, who is enjoying his walk in the park.

After about half an hour, Alaukik made his way back home, and opening the door, he saw Asha sitting on the dining table with a laptop in front of her, typing away furiously on it.

Slowly making his way towards her, he sat opposite to her and asked,

"Are you not sad that Jamshed died? Are you not angry at me for killing him?"

Coughing violently, Asha snapped her head to Alaukik and simply stared at him. Realising that he was sincerely asking the question, Asha simply sighed and replied,

"I don't. From the very beginning, that idiot never cared for anybody except the Federation. He would sacrifice a 1000 people if it meant a million could be saved, and would even sacrifice himself if the benefit to the Federation was worth it. With all of the atrocities he committed in his life, it would be hard for me to feel sad at his death... The most I feel is that it's a pity you were the one to kill him, since it stained your hands too."

In all honesty, when Alaukik killed Jamshed, he had fully expected that Asha would be disappointed in him, and no longer want to stay with him. That was why after he explained what happened, he simply apologised and left the house, expecting Asha to leave by the time he came back. And so, when he saw her simply sitting on the table working, he felt extremely surprised and felt the need to ask her the question.

Hearing her answer, Alaukik let out a sad smile and said,

"My hands were already stained in the blood of countless people by the time I killed Jamshed, so there is no need to feel sad about it. In fact, I will probably suffer a fate worse than Jamshed, considering the number of people I've killed."

Hearing this, Asha opened her mouth to say something, but then quickly closed it, not knowing what to say. After all, although she really liked Alaukik and found him a bit pitiful, it was also true that he had killed countless people. However, she quickly suppressed this feeling, knowing that he had never killed for fun, and always had a reason behind his actions. Noticing Asha's hesitation, Alaukik simply smiled and continued,

"By the way, I've decided where I want to go to school."

"So quickly?" asked a surprised Asha. "Don't you want to look around a bit more? You can join any school you want, so don't be quick to decide, okay?"

"It's fine aunty, I am confident in my decision. I want to go to the USNA and study there."

"The USNA?! Why would you go that far? What if something happens to you there? No, no, you can't go there. It's too dangerous. If you get attacked there, I wouldn't be able to help you at all! There i-"

"Aunty stop! Stop. Let me at least tell you why I want to go there," said Alaukik, trying to calm Asha down.

Taking a deep breath, Asha slowly calmed down and said,

"Fine, tell me then."

"I want to leave the Federation for a while... It's just that I have too many bad memories here, and I think it would be a good idea to take a break. Since the USNA is far from here, I thought it would be a good place to go."

Hearing this reason, Asha, who wanted to oppose his decision, fell into thought. Sighing, she simply said,

"Let me think for a while."

Letting out a smile, Alaukik said,

"Thank you, aunty," before getting up and making his way to his room.


Angel back here~
My exams have started this week - but don't worry! Uploads will still be coming along.
Once again, this poor shut - in author requests for his readers to provide him with certain social interactions.
I'm pretty sure there is a bonus chapter for 10 comments right? Is my novel so uninteresting that you don't care about the extra chapters?
I feel so sad.
Thanks for reading guys, and have a great day - I'll suffer through mine until one of you decides to grace me with an uplifting comment.

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