Soul Space

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Opening his eyes, the first thing Alaukik did was look around the place. It seemed to him that he was currently standing in a void, devoid of any matter. The only thing he could make out in this world was that 3/4ths of it was black while the rest was white in colour.

"Wait, I can see?!"

"Well of course you can, this is our consciousness," said a voice very similar to Alaukik's.

Swiftly turning around towards the white area where the voice came from, Alaukik suddenly went still before letting out a big sigh,

"I had my suspicions that you were still alive, but to think you actually are. I don't know how to feel..."

"Well, don't have any moral dilemmas on my behalf. I wouldn't be here without you anyways," the boy in front of him said.

Standing at about 1.52 metres, with brown toned skin, short black hair and a pair of jewel-like eyes that glittered gold and silver, this boy was a carbon copy of what Alaukik looked like in the real world. In fact, after looking at the boy in front of him, Alaukik took a look at himself, only to realise that he was back in the body he had before his reincarnation.

"So, care to explain what's happening?"

"Well, why don't we have a seat," the boy said, as he waved his hand and made chairs where he was standing. Motioning for Alaukik to take a seat, he sat on one chair and then said,

"So, what exactly would you like to know?"

"Hmm, how about... everything?"

"Well then, make yourself comfortable. Because this is going to take a while."

"Well, it's not like I have something to do," said Alaukik as he leaned back into the sofa. However, even as he did that, his eyes kept wandering around the place, making sure to take in all the information he could about this place.

"Then, let me start with my, with our origin. Hmm, I suppose this all began when we were just born. Well, I was born, you came a bit later. Anyways, my powers were too strong for a baby to handle, and so the moment I came into this world, I basically went into overdrive. With no leash on them, my powers went wild. Our 'domain' as you call it, started expanding like crazy, and we started to see the past and future of every person inside our domain. Do you know what that means? Memories that even the original owner might have forgotten existed, I knew. Imagine all of your life being quickly fast forwarded through without skipping even the tiniest part, and multiply by that by an ever increasing number as my powers kept increasing. Eventually, when my domain had covered half of the Federation, my mind and soul collapsed, unable to handle the information that kept entering our brains. That was when you came in. Out of nowhere, a meteor appeared into the atmosphere above earth, and fell down onto the hospital where I was born. Of course, I didn't die due to my powers protecting me, but all of a sudden, just when my soul was about to break, you entered my mind. And just as quickly, you started to take control of our powers, and even though you were not conscious yourself, your brain, which had 18 years of experience and information subconsciously realised that what was happening was bad for us and successfully stopped our powers from going haywire for longer. Now, while that shouldn't have saved my soul, which was already broken from all the information it had to read, I was able to take some energy from your soul and stabilise my own. After that, it was just a game of time. I slowly syphoned energy every now and then from your soul to stabilise and grow my own. Once it had grown a bit, I was successfully able to erase the useless information we had, and that eased the burden on my soul by a lot. And slowly but surely, it grew from a young baby to what you see now. As for why you appeared here now, I'm guessing it's because you were finally able to sync with our powers, which allowed you to sense this area in our souls/consciousness. And that is how you entered here. What else would you like to know?"

"That... was a long story. So you're the reason for my frequent loss of control? I'm guessing you've completely recovered now?"

"Oh no no no, that's not possible. You see, back then, my soul itself was cracked. And there is no healing that crack. As for whether I was the reason for your issues, you realise that your soul was the one that was expanding and gaining more control over my powers. So it's honestly your own fault."

After hearing this, Alaukik stayed silent for a minuted, before he spoke up,

"So, what are you going to do now?"

"Me? There's only one choice left for me if I want to survive. Have you looked around for a bit? Do you see that black colour? That's a representation of your consciousness. This little white colour that we're sitting inside is a representation of my consciousness. And if you look closely, even now, your soul is trying to totally consume mine. And I'm too weak to last in a long drawn out battle against it. As for what that way is, I'll leave it up to you to figure it out," said the boy, a smile gracing his face.

"Ah, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to stop you then," said Alaukik, as he slowly got off his seat.

"Hm? Ah, I think you've misunderstood. You can't really do anything now. It's too late," he said. And immediately after he said so, the tiny white area expanded crazily and started to mix into and corrupt the black area.

Seeing this, Alaukik tried to move, but then once again felt immense pain in his head and for the second time today, fainted.



It's a short chapter, and I'm sorry for the info dump, but this is important to the story, so bear with me. Also, it's the first time I have ever described Alaukik! I stopped myself from describing a lot of characters in the story cause I wanted to maintain the whole 'I am blind and can't really make out colours' part of Alaukik. However, now that he is close to getting his eyes, I thought, let's finally place some character descriptions.

Anyways, while the backstory might seem a bit too much, just tell me if you think something can be changed to make it better (while maintaining the same meaning).

As always, thank you for reading and have a great day ahead!

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