Out of control - 2

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Probably no one is going to follow the it, but hey, I warned you. Contains a lot of gruesome, bloody content. In fact, I made it more bloody to get the point of the chapter across. So just, don't blame me if you can't handle the chapter. And for those who can, go ahead and enjoy! Also, thank you for reading this so far! Hope you continue to do so!


Near the edge of a forest, there lived a semi-tribe who called themselves the Ajain tribe. The reason they called themselves a semi-tribe is because while they used some modern tools like vehicles, they were still mostly isolated from society except for the occasional need for supplies that required them to go to the closest town to them. Otherwise, they lived a fairly normal life with nothing special about them. The tribe consisted of a few houses in the center surrounded by fields that had crops growing on them. Inside one of those houses,

"I want something interesting to happen! Life in this tribe is boring big sister! I want to go out and explore the world! I want to become famous and earn lots of money! That way I'll be able to make you and mother and father happy!" said a small boy to a teenage girl standing beside him.

"That's a sweet dream Golu, but why don't you focus on the task at hand right now? Let's quickly clean the house and then go help mother and father with their work, what do you say?"

However, when she didn't receive a reply for a while, she turned back to look at what her brother was so busy with, and saw him gawking at something in the distant forest. When she turned her head to the direction he was facing, what she saw turned her skin cold.

She saw something that looked like a log in the sky, and all around the log, it looked like the world was breaking apart. There seemed to be cracks in the sky that were sucking in trees, and sometimes some trees would age and die before they could even reach the cracks, while some would become tiny plants again. Sometimes, the trees would even break in half and then into many more pieces and crumble into dust. Even animals seemed to get sucked into it. However, the part that made her skin turn cold was that the log was constantly moving in their direction, it vanished for one second, and then it would appear way way ahead of its previous position. Seeing this, she immediately grabbed Golu's hand and ran towards the field outside their house. While running she kept screaming,

"Everyone run! There's a cyclone coming towards us! Everyone run for your lives!" and as she kept screaming, the other tribe members came out of their houses and looked at her with confusion.

"Maya, is this a new kind of game you're playing with Golu? I know that you want to keep your brother happy, but that doesn't mean that you disturb everyone in the tribe you know," said an old man who came out of the house in the center of the village, and was the leader of the tribe.

"NO! I'm not playing a game! Look there!" saying this, she pointed towards what she saw, and when the leader and the others turned their head towards that side, their eyes immediately widened and everyone started to rush inside and pack their stuff. Seeing this, Maya also rushed to the field to find her parents and inform them, but just as she reached the field, the 'log' reached the tribe..

Hovering above the tribe, Alaukik looked down at the people beneath him running around trying to escape him, with no idea that he was right above their heads, watching their every move. However, if someone close to Alaukik were to look at him now, they would immediately recognize that this was not the same Alaukik as the one they knew. Apart from a different body language, the most distinguishing thing was his eyes. What beautiful eyes they were, one gleaming golden and the other silver, each with their own unique glow. With those eyes, he looked at the tribal members as if he was looking at ants.

'That idiot of a child, he has no idea how to use my powers properly. Humph, let me show him how it's done. Just a basic time mirage and second space is enough to scare them so badly, I wonder what will happen when I use some more of my powers...'

Saying this, Alaukik's left eye, the golden one, started to shine a bit brighter, and as it did, he instantly teleported down towards the center of the tribe.

As soon as he appeared there, Alaukik immediately created a sword for himself, and then started walking towards the closest hut, which happened to belong to the village leader. Stepping inside, he saw a the leader quickly packing his bags and getting his grandchildren ready,

"Old man, you don't need to do this, it's a waste of effort. Why don't you relax a bit?"

Turning his head around swiftly, the leader gazed at Alaukik and said

"I don't know who you are child, but quickly go to your parents and tell them to run away from here as fast as they can. Otherwise..."

"Parents?" *Sigh* "Unfortunately, they are no longer part of this world.. However, that's not of your concern, after all, you're not going to be part of this world for much longer eh?"

"What do you mean child?"

At this point, the leader was getting suspicious of who this young boy was and why he was here, spouting nonsense.. But none of that mattered as he saw the child raise his right hand, and slash down lightly. Immediately, the leader felt his life in danger, a sense he cultivated through many life-death situations hunting for food, and immediately dodged towards the left.

With that one slash, Alaukik destroyed the entire house, and buried its owners. However, just as he turned around to move to another house, the village leader crawled out from underneath the rubble and slowly stood up behind Alaukik.

"Why would you .... Why did you do this?" he screamed with red eyes and a heavily bleeding body..

"Why? Well, at first it was as a test of my current powers... but now I think I might be able to do something about him too using this method... But anyways, it's none of your business, so good-bye!" said Alaukik with a cheery smile, and instantly teleported behind the leader and


chopped his head off. Looking down at the still angry face of the leader, he grinned madly and then started to make his way through the tribe, slaughtering everyone he could find, whether child or woman. When he finally stopped, he was back in the middle of the tribe, yet this time, he was completely dripping in blood, and on his face, a grin that would scare even the worst of murderers.

And all around him were corpses of innocent, unknowing people, who had no clue what happened to them. Most of them had their eyes wide open with shock, although they lacked luster... Some had their eyes closed in pain, with their body twisted in various horrifying ways, while some were dismembered so badly that nobody would be able to recognize who they were... Looking around, it seemed as if someone had dyed this piece of land a deep red. Liters and liters of blood flowed all around Alaukik, and the smell spread for kilometers around him, attracting hordes of wild animals from all around him.

Not paying attention to it,

" Next, let's go back home, shall we? I think this will be a perfect gift for him." Saying this, Alaukik started laughing madly and then immediately started teleporting towards the Research Institute.

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