3 Hours

16 1 0

"What does it say?"

"Noth-nothing much, it's just a random piece of paper on the ground."

"A random piece of letter sized paper lying exactly where Vinay was, and not having been blown away by any sort of wind? Lalita. I will not ask again, what-does-it-say."

"*Sigh* It says '12 hours'. But this could be a prank by someone you know? Or maybe Vinay left it behind as a note to when he will be bac-"

"You and I both know that both of those possibilities are non-existent. Someone took Vinay away, and that someone is going to pay. They can't have gotten far, and so I am going to search the whole city for them. You try to find some other clues here and if you can't, then return to the hotel." saying which, Alaukik immediately teleported away from the roof and started to search around the city. Seeing this, Lalita let out a huge sigh and said,

"Very well you six, don't just stand there. Go and search for any clues regarding Vinay's disappearance. Remember, don't let even a single piece of paper go."


Three hours later,

Back in the room the trio was living in, Lalita was lying on the sofa, while her six followers were standing behind her with their backs straight. Stretching on the couch, she said,

"Ahhhh, this is so much more relaxing. Standing in the afternoon sun might be a bit healthy, but working in that same sun? It's horrible, to say the least. Unfortunately," she said, slowly straightening her back and narrowing her eyes, she continued,

"We didn't find anything else. But that should not be possible. How is it possible that someone abducted Vinay from the roof of a building without leaving any traces? There were no records on the CCTV of anyone except us accessing the roof, and there was no way someone could have jumped or climbed from another building to this roof normally. If they used magic to do it, Vinay would have sensed it and there would've been traces of a scuffle when he tried to resist his abductors. Yet, there is no trace of any struggle either. You couldn't have parachuted down onto the roof, because once again, Vinay would've noticed that happening. There is literally no physical way that someone could've gotten on top of that roof and abducted Vinay without some sort of resistance from him! Unless, they caught him by surprise. But how? How did they catch a military trained soldier who is always attentive of his surroundings, off guard?"

After thinking about it a bit more, she could not come up with any ideas. And so, she did the only thing she could, relax. However, just a few minutes after she had made herself comfortable on the sofa, she heard a pop, and when she opened her eyes, she could see Alaukik appearing in front of her from literally nothing. Seeing this, she suddenly got up with her eyes wide open and asked Alaukik,

"Alaukik, what is the possibility that there are others out there in the world who can use powers similar to yourself?"

"Huh?" Hearing this question, Alaukik was at a loss for a few seconds.

"None. As far as I know, there isn't anyone who can wield powers similar to mine."

'I mean, if there was someone capable of wielding both the powers of space and time, then wouldn't he have been shown alongside Tatsuya? Why would Sato write an op character but not show him in the novels? But... There is also the possibility that the RC did something to this body while I was unconscious for years. Could they have replicated my DNA and cloned it or something? I mean.. cloning was already a thing on the previous Earth, so this one, which is far more advanced, probably has better cloning technology right? Although, I don't think Asha would have allowed them to do that, then again, she wasn't exactly able to stop them last time...'

"I'll go and check the roof once again," said Alaukik , for once doubting whether he was right or not. And so once again, he teleported to the roof and spread his domain all around the area, this time, focusing on the fabric of space, trying to find some clues there. Over the course of using his powers, Alaukik realised that when you tear space, there is a scar left behind in that location that can be used to tell whether someone teleported there or not. And since Alaukik had been the only one who could use teleportation, he didn't find much use for this little detail. However it was a different case now. In essence, imagine a piece of paper as space, and you want to traverse from one end to the other. One way is to go above the paper from A to B, but another way to do it is to fold the paper and then pierce directly from A to B. This is what Alaukik does. He folds the space between the two locations, tears a hole in the fabric of space, and then exits the current dimension, walks a bit, then enters the current dimension at the wanted position*. This tearing of space leaves behind a scar in space that takes some time to heal. How long does it take to heal? Well, it takes just twelve -

'A scar. No. There are two. Meaning, apart from the one I teleported from, there were two other people or groups of people who teleported here. To think that was possibl- no, I can question later. Right now, the ones who did this need to pay. Nobody takes away my soldiers, nobody.'

Thinking this, Alaukik immediately followed the scar that had not yet healed, and teleported to wherever it led. After a few continuous teleports, Alaukik arrived at a desolate wasteland in the middle of nowhere, nearly 500 kilometres from the city of Astana. And in front of him, stood a big, empty factory. Walking into it, Alaukik saw a wide open area, with some broken and abandoned machinery lying around. And right there, in front of him, he saw Vinay. Seeing Vinay lying on the ground, blood all around him, Alaukik's rage slowly grew stronger, which he directed towards the two men standing beside Vinay, watching Alaukik with great scrutiny.

"Welcome to our humble hideout, Dear Mr. Alaukik. I hope it wasn't hard for you to find us? You see, if you don't mind, there is some-" but before the man on the right could finish, Alaukik immediately teleported to where those two were standing and slashed his hand across their necks, hoping to end them quickly without drawing out their battle. However, like he feared, before his attack could reach them, they teleported away and appeared a few metres away. With a slight frown on his face, the man who was speaking before continued,

"That was very rude of you Mr.Alaukik. You should know, I was hoping to have a decent conversation with you. But it seems like you are more concerned with that little boy's health than us. *Sigh* I really did not want it to come to this, but it can't be helped," and even though he said that, his expression completely betrayed him. For on his face, was the biggest smile a man could ever have. A smile that said that he was going to enjoy every second of what was about to happen.

Hearing this, Alaukik, who was checking on Vinay, rose up and faced the duo again.

"It's your luck he's still alive and not in any sort of danger. Had something happened to him, I'm not sure you would've survived today."

"Oh come on Mr.Alaukik, like I said, we are here for some peaceful conversation. We do not want to cause any unnecessary bloodshed. So why don't we just sit down and talk?"

"Talk? Don't worry, we will talk. It will just have to wait until I teach you guys a lesson on how to book a proper appointment."



Wassup people! So, what are your thoughts on this chapter?

Thank you for reading and have a great day ahead! :)

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