The promise to be kept, the fate to be broken(4)

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Somewhere above the Indian Ocean:

Floating high above, Alaukik looked down and around him, and sensed that he was nearly 500 km south west off the coast of the Federation. Why was he here?

'Because, the Federation took away something precious from me - and I'm here to take it back. Ah, there's so much to do after getting back my eyes: going to the Blanche HQ to have a chat with their bosses; come back to the Federation and talk to the bosses here regarding how I would like a pay raise in future,' a smirk appearing on his face at the last thought.

"Anyways, let's go and get back my eyes, shall we?"

And saying so, he teleported right into the ocean, and appeared at a 100 km below sea level, inside a military submarine. This was one of the Federations ace in the hole, the extreme deep diving submarine Rakshas. It was initially built to help defend against any naval attacks the GAU might try to launch, but after Alaukik's attack on the Research Institute (where he was seen using his eyes), it was decided that his eyes will be shifted to a more secure location - Rakshas. A 100 km below sea level and always on the move, it was the best location to safely keep his eyes and research on it, or so Jamshed thought. And it would have been, had Uday not found and leaked the information, or Alaukik suddenly growing and being able to sense exactly where his eyes are.

But well, why must we bother ourselves with what could have been. For right now, Alaukik was standing before the 10m thick lead door that blocked him from entering the safe where they kept his eyes.

'I think they have a misunderstanding,' thought Alaukik, as he started chuckling,

'Lead can block my domain, but I don't think they realise a major flaw,' he thought, as he simply traced a circle over the door, and then gently pushed against it.


Raising a cloud of dust, the door slammed down into the safe. Suddenly, alarms started to ring around the submarine, waking up the 50 or so soldiers and scientists currently on board. However, Alaukik didn't react in any way when he heard the alarm, and just walked forward with his eyes facing the centre of the room. For right there in front of him lay something that he had yearned for ever since he had come into this world, his eyes. Placed inside a glass stand as if on display, his shone brighter and brighter as Alaukik got closer, as if even they couldn't wait to reunite with him. And as he came up to them and removed his blindfold, they burst out into a bright mix of gold and silver light and shot straight into his sockets.

At the same time, a group of 10 soldiers had assembled in front of the descent to the safe. With their leader in the front and fully armed, they immediately descended down to check what had happened. Coming to a stop before the door which had been cut open, the group of 10 was hit by an intense light along with a blood curdling scream that rang out from the room. However, just before they could understand what was happening, the light died out just as suddenly as it came. Looking forward, the only thing the group saw was a young boy standing in front of the case that held the item they were tasked to protect. And so, they all pointed their guns at him before the leader stepped forward and asked,

"Little child, what are you doing here? How did you come here? Where are your elders?"

"Little child... you know, people really need to stop assuming my age from my size. But well, it's not like you're going to live long enough to apply my advice," replied Alaukik, as he turned around, allowing the soldiers to see what he looked like.

A young child, with short black hair and brown skin. But that was all secondary, the most important and apt description one could offer of this boy was his eyes. For they equal to the most beautiful gems on this planet - no, they were far, far more beautiful. One gold and the other silver, it was like a god had poured all of his time and effort into crafting these eyes; just one look at them and you would not be able to prevent yourself from sinking into them...



Sorry for the small chapter (a bit busy, but I'll try to make it up tomorrow. I have classes though :(. A working Saturday) ! 

And as always, thank you for reading and have a great day ahead!

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