Chapter 75: Combat Class

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Sitting beside Bharat, Asha looked at Hriday, who had just entered the room and waved for him to take a seat at the round table. With a smile on her face, she said

"Welcome to the RC, Hriday. I know this might be a bit sudden, but we hope that you can let go of your nervousness and relax. After all, you are now a part of the highest decision makers in the Federation."

Hearing this, Hriday gave an awkward smile and slowly sat down on the seat which Asha pointed to. Clearing his throat, Hriday said,

"I am happy to be of service to the Federation. However," he paused, his hesitance clearly visible on his face.

"However, is it really fine to give me this position on the RC? After all, Uday was the one who betrayed us and was the reason for ... his death. I was expecting to get fired, so it's really hard for me to understand why I got promoted instead?"

Hearing this question, Bharat, who had been sitting there silently this entire time, said

"We do not judge people on their relations. We have seen your loyalty for the Federation, and your unremitting efforts to make the Federation a better place. And that is why me and Asha decided that you were the best fit to replace Jamshed; that is all that matters."

"As for Uday, we have gathered here today to discuss our further actions regarding him and the mess he left behind. We were already being pressured in the international scene due to the Bloody Night incident, and if countries like the USNA, GAU, Japan or Russia catch wind of the fact that we lost two of our members in one day, they can use it as an excuse to help us by sending in military aid. I hope I won't need to explain how bad that could get."

Sighing, Asha said,

"Indeed, that is a major problem. We can cover up Jamshed's death by saying that he died of natural causes, but Uday... we have no choice but to declare his betrayal and issue a wanted order for him. We can't keep it under wraps for a long time. However, this will indeed put us on a backstep when considering international relations..."

At this point, Hriday, who had been quiet the entire time said,

"Uhm, what about Alaukik?"

The moment he said that, Asha instantly turned to him and started to glare at him.

"What do you mean?" she asked, in a not so nice voice.

Seeing this, Hriday quickly spoke up,

"I don't want to use him as a weapon, no no," he said, shaking his head.

"I simply meant why don't we introduce Alaukik to the world? As a new strategic class magician? Once the world knows that we have another SCM, they won't be able to pressure us more would they?"

"Indeed," said Bharat, "that would ease a lot of our problems. What do you say, Asha?" he asked, giving Asha a glare.

Noticing this, Hriday realised that there was something else going on here, but didn't speak out, knowing that at this point his interruption will only add to the tension.

Letting out another sigh,

"I will not agree to using him as a shield for us, and neither will he. If we force him, you all know what will happen."

"Hmph. He is the cause of our problems, and now he himself has run away," said Bharat, hitting the table beneath him.

"Bharat." said Asha,

"Remember who pushed him to take those actions - it was us, Bharat. Had we treated him better, if we had treated him as a human instead of a weapon, then perhaps right now he would be standing here with us."

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