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Getting off his bed, which was quite comfortable considering the fact that he was currently far far away from proper civilization, Alaukik stretched his arms a bit, and then glanced at the clock on his table. Seeing that it was already 7am, Alaukik thought,

'Meh, it's only 7. Unless I'm wrong, we were supposed to gather by the grounds at 7:30 right? I think I can sleep for a bit more?... Nah, I guess I'll just go there early. Let's just quickly get ready now.'

And in just one and a half minutes, Alaukik was once again standing in front of the entrance of the tent, completely ready. He was in his military uniform, but for the first time, he was also wearing a blindfold around his eyes. It just made it more convenient because he unconsciously opens his eyes when concentrating on something, and when other people look at him in that state, they kind of start freaking out about how there's nothing in his eye socket and you can see the red colored muscles directly. So to make sure that doesn't happen in the middle of a battle, he wore a blindfold. Another part of wearing one was that it was just cooler looking than just keeping his eyes closed. Feeling satisfied with his looks (even though he couldn't make anything out properly), he immediately teleported out of the tent and directly to the base grounds. There, in the corner of the grounds, he waited for his company to assemble. Looking at the watch on his hand again(a quartz watch), he noticed it was 7:25, but none of his company members had assembled. Even though there were many soldiers out on the ground, training and practising together with their squad, his company had not appeared. How knew that none of them had appeared because they were all required to meet at this very location at 0730, and were supposed to assemble by at least 0720. Seeing his watch tick on, Alaukik patiently waited for a few more minutes, until finally, at 0731, a group of 90 men came walking towards him. And, without greeting him whatsoever, they stood in front of him. Out of 90 men, only one of them gave Alaukik a salute and stood properly. The rest all were standing with lazy postures and not caring for what Alaukik thought. Seeing this, Alaukik, who had planned to get to know his company and interact with them, decided to change his game plan.

'So this is what Hriday meant by dissatisfaction among the soldiers huh..'

*Clap Clap*

Getting their attention with his claps, Alaukik started to speak,

"Good morning my soldiers. Today, we initially had gathered here to get to know each other, and to build an understanding between us. However, it seems like most of you have a different idea. Now, why don't we start by addressing the problems you might have? Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about?"

Hearing his speech, many of the company members began whispering between each other.

"Who does he think he is huh? Just because he got promoted to major by his relationship, he thinks he can command us?"

"Heh, all of us here are geniuses from various parts of the Federation. Does he think he's strong enough to control all of us?"

"Look at him, he barely looks like my child in age. Does he believe we'd be willing to follow him?"

"Just because General Hriday was forced to include him in the military does not mean that we have to follow him! Brothers! Let's show this child that we aren't tame chickens who'll listen to a child!" came the voice of one of the more outspoken looking soldier. Hearing this, a lot of soldiers started nodding their heads and looking at the one soldier. Seeing this, the soldier became more confident and decided to walk towards Alaukik. Coming to the front of the group, he looked down at Alaukik, and then spoke,

"Child, you aren't fit to lead us. Just because you were able to join the military at a high rank because of your connections does not mean that we will be willing to accept you as our leader. Hmph, I bet you don't even have the power to beat one of us, much less our entire group."

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