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Inside a dark room lit with barely any lighting, there sat a man in front of a pc. Wearing headphones around his ears and placing all of his attention on the screen, he failed to hear the footsteps that came towards the door to his room. Suddenly, slamming open the door, a woman barged in and shouted,

"Boy! How long will you continue wasting time on your computer? Stop watching those cartoons and start studying! You have your Mains in barely a month! Look at Seema Aunty's son, he always gets more than 280 out of 300 in the mock tests! And you? You're always inside your room, watching this nonsense! If you don't start studying, I'll take away your computer!"

"It's not a cartoon mom, it's anime. And it's an art form. In fact, the one I'm watching right now, ooo, it's a really good one. In fact, it always inspires me to try my best too! Although that inspiration soon dies out and gets replaced by cravings," he added under his breath, never moving his eyes away from the computer.

"Alaukik!! Look at me when you talk! Do you understand me!?"

"Fine, fine," he said, turning to look at his mother, still fuming from his previous nonchalant reply. And yet, when he looked at her, he froze in shock, for his mother ... was faceless. Looking at her son who was frozen for some reason, Alaukik's mother walked towards him and tried to snap him out of his reverie, but as soon as she walked toward him,

*Huff* *Huuuf*

Taking deep breaths, Alaukik sat up against the walls of the cell, trying to calm his mind.

'Another nightmare.. At this point, I'm afraid there's no denying it.. I'm slowly losing my memories.. I'm starting to forget faces, forget my life before coming to this world... Is it because I no longer see them everyday? Or is it due to another reason.. No, it's most likely a magical problem. I guess I should note down everything I remember about Mahouka. Even though I might not be losing any memories regarding the anime's, novels and mangas I've read.. Can't really bet on chance can we. Now then, I can hear someone coming.. Time to get ready to greet them! Not that I can really do anything...'

And as if right on cue, the door opened, bringing with it a slightly smiling Asha carrying a box with her.

"Good evening Alaukik, I have some good news for you," she said with a smile.

"Really? But? " came Alaukik's reply, slightly laced with sarcasm.

Sighing, Asha replied "But, there's also bad news.."

"There we go!" said a smiling Alaukik. "So, what's the news?" he continued.

"I'll inform you of that later, but first, Happy Birthday!!!," smiling, Asha opened the box in her hand to show off a cake, a chocolate cake with sprinkles and cream and even a 'Happy birthday Al!' written on top of it. Constantly moving his head between the cake and Asha, Alaukik asked, with a very confused look on his face,

"Is this a prank?"

Over these past 3 months Asha had come over many many times, and we had slowly become closer and closer. Over this period of time, she had tried to cheer me up in many ways, out of which some involved pranks of various kinds. Yup, pranks. Who would've thought that the great researcher Asha Chandrashekar, the to - be representative of the Magian Company, would prank a child of barely 7 years!

"Huh? Of course it's not a pra- Oh wait!," Asha replied, slapping her forehead, " You don't know when you were born! Oooh, how could I forget! Well anyways, you were born on the 12th of January! And I know what you're going to ask, how would you know when I was born? After all, I came from a meteor, right? And to that, the answer is, the meteor landed on the 12th of January, and you were found near it on that very day! And so, today is your birthday!"

"Uhhhhhhhh, ok."

"Oh come on, show me some more reaction! It's your very first birthday celebration!"

"Well, thank you for that, but you know, celebrating my birthday while being inside a cell with my limbs tied up isn't really exciting.. Even though that cake looks de-li-cious."

"About that. Well, I have more good news for you! Guess what! You're getting released from the PDM! You're no longer going to have to stay inside here all the time!"

"And where is the but?"

"Don't be stuck on the but Al! BUT, the bad news is that it's been decided to send you into the military and begin your training. However! That only starts from next week, meaning, we can enjoy this week. I even took a break from my research for this, you know? You could learn to be grateful a bit. And about the chains and cuffs, I have the keys to open them with me! I even brought a replacement for the cuff around your limbs and neck! Instead of those, you can wear these!" she said, dangling four bracelets in front of Alaukik. Hearing this, for the first time, Alaukik actually let out a smile,

"See! You look better when you smile. Now, let's quickly get these chains off of you."

After unlocking the chains and replacing the cuffs with bracelets that looped around his wrists (which looked nice but were quite heavy), Alaukik and Asha sat on both sides of the cake, with Asha lighting the 8-shaped candle on top of it. Having lighted it, she looked at Alaukik and smiled, saying,

"Make a wish!"

To which, Alaukik also smiled, closed his eyes and thought hard on what he wanted. Well, he didn't exactly have to, as these months had given him plenty of time to think about what he wanted. Blowing on the candles, he wished

'I wish to have a very very fun and long life.'

'I wish to have a very very *** and **** ****'

"So, what did you wish for?" Asha asked, quite curious about his wish,

"Hehe, it's top secret," replied Alaukik. He then clapped his hands together, and then made a knife using his powers. He then cut into the cake, cleanly cutting it into two equal halves. He then placed his hands together, and pulled them apart slowly, forming in between two pairs of spoons and knives. Handing one to Asha, and keeping one to himself. Seeing this, Asha took the knife and spoon and started to eat the cake, but before she did, she said

"It's good that you are able to control your powers again Al, but remember, never, never overuse them, or else you might lose control again. And that, that would be a very bad thing to happen," with a grave expression on her face.

" I know," he said out loud,

'I know more than you think I do... Losing control of my powers has brought me so much pain.. I can't even begin to describe it to you. Never in a million years would I risk feeling that pain again just for a momentary feeling of opness. But, if I want to fulfil my wish, then one day I'm gonna have to have full control over all of my power, not just the suppressed version of it..."

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