Power list and some other info

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His Eyes: Are a major source of his power and allow him to connect to the source(will be explained later, just think of it as his power source). They grant him a kind of elemental sight where in he can observe the fabric of space and river of time.

1. Left one: A golden eye that can help him observe the fabric of space closely and control it easily.

2. Right one: A silver eye that allows him to observe the river of time, and manipulate it freely.

Space Location (also called domain): 200m radius as of chapter 14

Space cutting: literally cutting space, range is 1km as of ch14.

Space melding: making anything that he can imagine out of space, as long as he can maintain the psions and concentration needed to maintain it.

Space teleportation: limited to domain as of ch14.

Time acceleration and deceleration

1. Himself = 8x

2. Other = consumes a lot of energy as chapter 14, and max of 4x.

Space and Time sensitivity: Very sensitive to that amount of time that has passed and the amount of distance covered by him, and stuff like that, for example, he can easily act as a stopwatch for you.

Time mirage: Basically, a future version of him comes to the past and does an action. For ex. Ch.15 that cyclone like stuff was done by a future version Alaukik (might make a few plot holes... but you get the idea, if anyone can come up with a better explanation but same meaning, then I think I'd like to steal it please :)

Second space: An ability in which Alaukik creates a different dimension and can use that for storage, living etc.. The size and time it lasts depends on him. To enter and exit this space, he needs the help of his eyes(without their power, he can't do it).

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